Team America logos?


Sr Member
Anyone have a nice, printable copy of the Team America World Police Logo? (The one on all the vehicles?) I saw the Lisa business card in the old Paper Prop thread, but the links don't work (not sure if that had the logo on it or not.)

Any help would be... helpful.

Woohoo! Double Post! :love

So, didn't get any responses from anyone about the TA Logo... (None out there? No one care?) So, I had a go at it myself... I know my way around Photoshop, but I'm by no means an expert, but here's what I got with my camera and 30 minutes or so of cleaning it up:

(Huge 1760x1760 1Meg Jpeg, didn't want to paste it in the message as an image...)

I'd love to have it converted to a clean Illustrator file, but that's way out of my league... Still, this prints nice. The sticker photographed (which was obviously an ink-jet printed image on adhesive paper, and hand-cut into a circle) is 7" in diameter. This would be for the hood of the 1:3-ish scale Hummer (the one the full-size puppets actually fit in). As seen here:


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