TASM Fitness Thread. Get your Spidey Physique tips on exercise and nutrition here!

Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Hey guys,
Training in the gym has been good, unfortunately had to change my workout cause school started :(
But I have one concern and was hoping to see if someone could assist me. I've built up a bit of muscle mass, that's fine, and also started to tone more in the abs, great. However, the sides around my waist (love handles if I'm not mistakened?) have yet to noticeably reduce their mass. Any suggestion training wise or any other way I could somehow lower these? Literally, I can see the top abs appear almost effortlessly now but in that region it just "takes away the magic." Hopefully, I can get some insight on fixing this. Also, for muscle mass I'm not sure if I want to increase it any more, just maintain its once obviously Spidey isn't the buffest superhero. (Was thinking of going the Insanity route but not sure)

Oh and thanks El Fett!
I'm actually doing some of those basic Parkour work outs and am going to start practicing it with a couple of my friends.

Thank you,
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Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Hey guys,
Training in the gym has been good, unfortunately had to change my workout cause school started :(
But I have one concern and was hoping to see if someone could assist me. I've built up a bit of muscle mass, that's fine, and also started to tone more in the abs, great. However, the sides around my waist (love handles if I'm not mistakened?) have yet to noticeably reduce their mass. Any suggestion training wise or any other way I could somehow lower these? Literally, I can see the top abs appear almost effortlessly now but in that region it just "takes away the magic." Hopefully, I can get some insight on fixing this. Also, for muscle mass I'm not sure if I want to increase it any more, just maintain its once obviously Spidey isn't the buffest superhero. (Was thinking of going the Insanity route but not sure)

Oh and thanks El Fett!
I'm actually doing some of those basic Parkour work outs and am going to start practicing it with a couple of my friends.

Thank you,
Scroll back a few posts to what CaptainMorgan posted. DIET. That is where abs are made. Kearstin made a post in the RPF Fitclub thread that summed it up: "Abs are made in the kitchen."

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You want the abs to show, you need to clean up your diet. Your bodyfat has to be approaching the single digits for that kind of definition.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Im not going as Spiderman this year but I thought I'd share my advice. Ive managed to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks time just by switching over to diet sodas. We dont drink water around my house, its pretty horrid here so I managed to decrease my intake by about 1000 calories a day just doing this and Im starting to see my abs again.

You can do planks or sit-ups all day but they arent going to help you to lose weight.You have to lose the pounds before the core muscles show through.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Hey guys,
Training in the gym has been good, unfortunately had to change my workout cause school started :(
But I have one concern and was hoping to see if someone could assist me. I've built up a bit of muscle mass, that's fine, and also started to tone more in the abs, great. However, the sides around my waist (love handles if I'm not mistakened?) have yet to noticeably reduce their mass. Any suggestion training wise or any other way I could somehow lower these? Literally, I can see the top abs appear almost effortlessly now but in that region it just "takes away the magic." Hopefully, I can get some insight on fixing this. Also, for muscle mass I'm not sure if I want to increase it any more, just maintain its once obviously Spidey isn't the buffest superhero. (Was thinking of going the Insanity route but not sure)

Oh and thanks El Fett!
I'm actually doing some of those basic Parkour work outs and am going to start practicing it with a couple of my friends.

Thank you,

Abs are born in the kitchen, and defined in the gym. Keep working hard. Being fit, and looking fit comes down to a lifestyle change for most people, and not an easy one at that. It'll take a long time, but just keep working at it and you'll reach your goals!
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

This is a great thread.

However I'd like to throw in a few comments. A couple pages back, someone said that Garfield ate like a piece of Sushi a day while working out to get in shape for Spider-Man.

Yeah, that would be tough, especially since it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. You can't workout hard burning 800+ calories while eating less than an Ethiopian and expect realistic results. You are not supposed to suffer, you don't HAVE to suffer, to achieve a goal.

Your body is in the kitchen, true, but it is also in working out PROPERLY. trying to do 200 crunches a day isn't the most effective way to get in shape as the body tends to peak out with repetitive exercise. You need to mix it up..... a lot.

Fad diets, and crap advertised on TV are just going to lose you money, not weight. I've found that a lot of 'working out at home' isn't nearly as effective as being pushed to do more than you think is in your comfort zone. A disclaimer before I continue here, the next comments are not a sales pitch but I am going to recommend a routine that absolutely DOES work, and fast. CROSSFIT.

I tried it free for a month, they had a give away at work, and a handful of us won a month unlimited pass to Crossfit. Results are almost immediate. The exercise routine is different daily, and every workout is HARD. You sweat and push way beyond what you would feel like doing on your own at home. Since my free trial, I have signed up as a regular member, going 5 days per week, anywhere from 60-90 minutes a day.

It is expensive, but well worth it if you are serious. I think the average person pays like 180.00 or so per month, I pay the military and law enforcement rate of 140.00 and it's worth every penny. Been there since March of this year.

Now on to food..... a piece of sushi a day while working out hard is a just plain foolish way to train or get in shape. At that level you are not feeding your muscles, you are forcing your body to cannibalize it's muscle mass. The mindset of less calories eaten than you exert leads to all kinds of wrong presumptions. Eating relatively NORMALLY (normally being a responsible diet that didn't include fast food crap), I lost 17lbs my first week at Crossfit.

I eat oatmeal, meal replacements with high protein shakes, lots of fish like Tilapia and salmon, chicken, beef, eggs etc. oh, and green crap. salads, various fruits and nuts.

I'm definitely a proponent of fitness for our costumes as opposed to foam muscle suits. :)
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

I'm also of the mind that being Spidey is best done by someone in the shape to do so rather then a muscle suit, but not everyone has the genetics or the will to spend countless hours in the gym to achieve this. This should not exclude them in Spidey cosplay as their love is probably equal if not greater in some cases as someone whose body type isn't conducive to Spider-mans. It takes a lot of courage for someone who is under or overweight to put on a head to toe spandex suit! That being said I was just on a site where the author described an obviously muscle suited Spidey as having the perfect martial form for the character, the above title read " the most handsome spider-man" gotta admit.....I was kinda ticked lol
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Thanks guys, yeah I checked out the "abs are made in the kitchen" post and have been working on that. Slowly but surely. Cutting back on the soda and bagels too. Let's see how it works out, at least my Comic Con isn't due until next May! Though I want to be in shape for the Halloween party...
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

In the kitchen doesn't mean that you starve yourself. You need the right nutrients, correct protein intake, rest, and proper amount of calories to get what you want. Him eating a piece of sushi a day is probably a bit exaggerated. Crossfit works because it's training. Any stimulus, whether it be P90X, Insanity, Crossfit, Parkour training, Boxing, Weightlifting...any of those will work to assist you in gaining your results. But for fat loss, diet is still the number one key component (unless you're on certain supps....) Diet doesn't mean eat less, or crazy amounts of nothing.

Cutting out the junk does wonders compared to any amount of training I could do. I replace Alcoholic drinks with a seltzer/light juice combo. Soda with that mio or low calorie drink mix. Junk food with awesome home made meals. And I frigging love my green shakes.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Determine your daily caloric intake and make tiny subtractions. I always recommend going small, subtracting 100 calories from your maintenance levels and seeing how things go.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?


san diego comic con 2010


dragoncon 2012

same costume re-fitted from large to small, my workout are paying off, I dont starve myself, i eat quite hearty but Im eating balanced meals, not a fan of the protein powder but each body is different. This is a awesome thread to be a part of keep up the good work.
Height 6'0
start weight 206 lbs
current weight 138 lbs
goal weight 150 lbs
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Luckily for me, I'm slim and slender and have the same physique as andrew garfield! Same height too :thumbsup
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

i have been quite lucky for the last few years im 5'11 135-140 pounds my body fat has gone up when i started smoking (ignore my tagline that was ages ago lol) i was down to 4% (my doctor tried to refer me he thought i had a problem) truth was i was 15 i at 5 meals totaling to 1500 calories nearly all protein and ran 10 miles a day. i hope to get back to this one day. my pictures i look bigger then i am with a fll muscle chest underneath after looking at the photos i think i look fatter with the muscle suit lol. anyway thats a back story lol.
anyone have advice of how to lift weights when you have a permenetly damaged shoulder? i was sparing with my mate who is twice my weight and he pulled my shoulder out now i cant lift properly it just hurts way too much?
well done mclean i know it takes alot of work to get back into shape :)
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

I finished my spider man noir suit (from the comics, not the game) so i started losing alot of weight. The normal spider man (comics not movies) has a weight of 167 pounds and he's 5'10 and I WAS 6'0 and 189 pounds. With cross country, weightlifting, and boxing, I'm down to about 173-175 pounds and Ive actually grown an inch (6'1). so overall, since i was a good bit taller than he is, it all evens out really well with my weight and looks proportionate (i will have to try and add some pics later, i never get around to doing that!):thumbsup
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

You spider guys are lucky... I choose to make the Avengers version of Thor for Halloween this year. I will definitely not be well enough defined for this costume, this year at least. I'm 6' 170lbs right now. Hopefully in a year's time, my arms will be much more cut but I definitely have to bulk up. Did I mention I'm making the sleeveless version of the costume. For this year at least, I guess I'll be a slightly scronny avenger.

The advice on this thread is great though, I'm definitely putting it to use this year.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

this is a very good and inspirational thread. I myself am 38 years old, 6 ft tall, and 230 lbs. I recently went and got my first physical in years and was given news I didn't want to hear. high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. I was told that all of those problems can be avoided by excercise and diet changes. I have been trying for a few months and it's hard. maybe I'm just being lazy about it, but I work in a pizzeria, and avoiding the food isn't a problem. I'm around it all the time so I have no interest in it. the problem comes in with the excercise. when I wake up or when I get home, I just don't feel the energy to get it done or even started. sometimes it goes fine and other times it doesn't at all. as for cosplay being a motivator, it certainly is a help. I chose to use Batman because I'm a naturally big guy. but the newer suit isn't hidden under a cape, so looking good is a must. I also own several spandex suits as well, including Spidey. so long story short, I'd love to get down from a 38/40 back to a 33 and I'm hoping for the best. It isn't easy, but it's worth it to keep healthy and looking good as well
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

I'm very glad to still see life in this thread and to learn its been a tool and source of inspiration for many already. Right around this time, last year I posted on Wallcrawler's thread saying how I wanted to be Spidey for Halloween but I needed to lose about 15 pounds...http://www.therpf.com/f24/post-your-spidey-pics-127550/index2.html
I was 198 or so back then. Today (a year later), I'm happy to report I've maintained a steady weight that fluctuates between 158 and 160 depending on the time of day. That's close to 40 pounds worth of fat off my body. Needless to say, it was not an easy road. There was no magic trick or magic pill or product. It was good old fashioned cardio 6 times a week and cleaner eating. It's not easy guys, but it is not impossible. You just have to remind yourself of what you really want in the long run as opposed to what you want in that moment (which for me was usually unhealthy over-eating). I did not do it alone either, I had a good support system at home with my wife and at work with a couple of buddies also seeking weight loss and of course, Spidey as inspiration! You don't have to do it alone either. We're right here to cheer you on. Just make the decision and most importantly, the commitment to get active and find a diet plan you can stick to. Don't starve yourself and don't kill yourself at the gym either. Find something you can stick to and will not abandon once you see some results. That's the best tip I can give you. I owe this thread and Wallcrawler's some new pictures. Hopefully I can get a little photo-sesh going to refresh the threads and showcase my somewhat leaner Spidey physique! :) YOU CAN DO IT TOO. I PROMISE.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

I'm going in the other direction, on purpose, putting on muscle... one year ago I weighed 158, and now I'm 175. I'm 5'9" tall. The workouts have been doing the job, as well as extra protein and calories.
Re: A lot of people working on TASM but are you also working on your fitness?

Proud of you Fett!! That's a huge body change man. Looking forward to some pics. One day we WILL eat popcorn together amigo! Lol.
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