T2 diorama 90% finished


Master Member
Well, here it is, almost done. All I need is to get some plasma rifles molded/cast, and glued into their respective owners hand, and add bolts into the holes located around the base. The endoskeleton at the front gets two plasma rifles.
Not sure what all to say, the endoskeletons were perhaps a bit of a cheat. They are the figure made by McFarlane toys about a year ago. I DID however shorten the feet as these had loooooong toes/mid-foot section. I also filled in the screw that is located on the back, repainted each from top to bottom and redid the eyes on two of them as they were, as one grade school teacher put it, "looking at me from under their eyes." Like the endoskeleton in the opening credits that's standing in flames, head tilted down, eyes angled up. Works for one, but can't have all three looking the same. If anyone has any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. Funny thing about this...it's all built on the foundation of an older T2 diorama. It was originaly done with one of those 12" Horizon kits...which is just to big to do a good diorama for due to it's size. So I scaled back alittle.
Sorry about the poor picture quality...the digicam I have access to doesn't zoom in. :roll:




Wow!! DSB, with all the ALIENS gear that you are in to, I've never known that you were into the TERMINATOR genre!! Your diorama looks fantastic. I know, first hand, that the McFarlane products are top notch. How do these compare with the Horizon kits in regards to quality and scale?

Wow, I thought this thread had fallen off.

The McFarlane figures are great. There are some problems with the proportions of some parts being off...like the feet. They were huge! Well, elongated to be more exact. So I cut them down, made them shorter. The hands seem to be a bit long in the fingers, but upon closer inspection, they may be pretty close. And they are way to delicate to try and modify. There's also a very big screw in the back, so I had to fill it up and sand it even with the surface. The part about them that makes them so diorama/model friendly is their poseability.

The Horizon kit...I assume we are speaking of the same kit, was about 6 inches bigger than the figures, and it was pretty good, accurate in some spots, inaccurate in others...like the hands. The bad part of that kit was the pistons were molded as part of the overall leg structure. If you wanted well-defined pistons, you had to cut the vinyl out from between them and the legs/arms, then go and fill them in and sand them. I don't have to tell you that doing this on a vinyl kit would have been a pain, and there's almost no way you could sand the back of the pistons so they would look like a cylinder. I left them alone, although it always bothered me.
Well, I finally got my T2 diorama finished. My picture taking abilities really sucked on these, but I hope it gets the finished look across. All I did was add the endo plasma rifles.


Originally posted by dropshipbob@Jul 19 2005, 11:09 AM
Well, I finally got my T2 diorama finished.  My picture taking abilities really sucked on these, but I hope it gets the finished look across.  All I did was add the endo plasma rifles.

I see the diamond in the rough here. Lemme take a photo of them. For real. DSB, you know I will return them to you. :D