Symbol definitions

It's the marker to denote his first kill. The mark changes depending on what the first kill is. In this case it represents him killing a warrior alien/ xenomorph. Here's the image that Deadpool used to display the various "first kill" markers.

the markings are kinda crude representations of what was killed. A bit like hieroglyphs Best seen in the xeno and hound glyphs. Undoubtedly there are many many more "kill glyphs" Wolf's bio is covered in glyphs, it would be fair to assume each one represents a kill of some kind. Also some may represent trial completions, Had Scar survived the "Kainde Amedha Chiva" or hard meat (xeno) trial he would have, most likely due to their tribal nature, been branded with a glyph to show this by the Elder.
The Encyclopaedia above notes that "blooding symbols" after the hunt differ from clan to clan and will be given to warriors after the trial by the elder. This would comply with the "kill glyph" senario as Scar gave himself the glyph for Xeno kill before the trial was over. Therefore it could not have been the actual blooding symbol given for completion of the hard meat trial
The Encyclopaedia above notes that "blooding symbols" after the hunt differ from clan to clan and will be given to warriors after the trial by the elder. This would comply with the "kill glyph" senario as Scar gave himself the glyph for Xeno kill before the trial was over. Therefore it could not have been the actual blooding symbol given for completion of the hard meat trial
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