Syfy is just messing with us, now.

Wow, that's one fancy CGI monument they've got there. I think the one in "Spinal Tap" looked better.

I kept waiting for the rocks to turn into a giant stone transformer and start stomping around, but I guess they didn't want to give everything away in the preview. :)
Looks entertaining. Heh. But stupid, incredibly stupid.

I was expecting the rocks to crush them, or come together and trap them in the center, or have the central rock explode and an alien race emerge. So many missed opportunities.. :lol
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.... :lol

I do find it ironic that the Ad running before the
preview is for CONSTIPATION RELIEF !

:lol :lol :lol
I wish they'd let you walk around Stonehendge like that, instead of 300 yards away with the other four hundred tourists.

A few thoughts.

1.) I eagerly await the day that the SyFy channel dies a horrible fiery death.

2.) The Fourth Doctor wants his Stones of Blood back. And don't step on the Key to Time while you're dropping it off, alright?

3.) Brought to you by the same people who made Attack of the the Eye Creatures. Folks, they just didn't care.
I see them going the same way and business plan of the USA network for popping out quick crappy sci-fi shows. Might even be the very same people given the programing.

Strongest impression of that preview was the Dulcolax ad.
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Honestly, these days, what ACTUAL science fiction (that isn't ALSO crap) is on SyFy anymore?

SG: Galactica is apparently fairly weak. Or so I've heard here, anyway.

Caprica is...meh.

Warehouse 13 I've heard literally nothing about but I was stunned to hear it got renewed.

Other than that, what do they have anymore?

And by the way, don't even bother mentioning wrestling, "Ghost Hunters" or any other ****ing reality show, or the ****ty worthless original movies. They don't count.
Its a spoof joke right ?
The cgi couldnt stand up to modern audiences , looked like it was done on a basic art package by a student .. the acting was diabolical and the moving stones, well you could se the pre-cuts in the grass turf ..laughable.
Whoever directed it wants shooting for the time lag in the stonemoving scene, it was dire ...
and when was the last time you could get a guided tour of just 5/6 people around the stones ? its crowded 24/7 these days and fenced off from the public.
Dreadfull dross.
I've seen better acting in Pornos. But I'll watch it for kicks, I love their Apocalypse stuff.
Syfy Channel movies have always sucked. They run with a budget of about 1 million dollars and most of the time I can't figure out how they even cost that much.
Syfy Channel movies have always sucked. They run with a budget of about 1 million dollars and most of the time I can't figure out how they even cost that much.

I agree. The only reason why I sat through "Fire Serpent" is because I happen to be a fan of Sandrine Holt.
Their movies tend to suck, but their miniseries are usually ok. The 2000 Dune miniseries was pretty good, insofar as any attempt at bringing Dune to the screen can be.