Superman will return... maybe... :)

Not a bad look overall but IIRC, the screen printing on the actual suit is incorrect as is the marking on the symbol....but I could be wrong
maybe someone can chime in about the seller - I know nothing about him.

in terms of the costume itself it looks okay from the pics. These costumes have a way of not looking like their pictures though - I would ask for a pic in normal light.

From what I can see - the cape is the best part of the costume.

the belt is a little flat in the logo - and a little thick.

The blue millisuit is okay - it at least has a diamond pattern on it (don't remember if that's the accurate pattern either)- I would again, ask for a pic in normal light to make sure it's not really faded.

The boots are okay - they're not the most accurate - the logo looks like it was pasted on rather than being "part" of the suit. Not the most accurate, but more detail than most people put on their returns boots.

The chest logo - hmm.. I've seen it around - the color is a little wrong - it should be a little darker red and the corners shouldn't be so angular. It's hard to explain, but you could always get another chest emblem somewhere that's more accurate.

All in all - it's a pretty good costume for the price - In my opinion. Again, it's not the most accurate cuz if it were it would be 4x the price.
His name is Ricky Broussard (sp?) but he was around when the movie first came out. I know a few people that have gotten his suits and all were very happy. The pattern on it is accurate as is the emblem. The boots are my biggest gripe. I say go for it on this one.
I got all of the Bronze Armory items too (milliskin suit, milliskin undies, belt and chest emblem) and was VERY happy with them all. Customer service was awesome too. I kept asking back if they were going to make the cape or boots but they never did. I still don't have a cape or boots for the costume, unfortunately.

Definitely worth buying the other 4 Superman items for sale though.
Bronze armory is the best out there. They never made the cape or boots since the demand became so low. I have the Ricky cape. Not accurate by any means and VERY heavy. But its really the only commercially made one that's sort of ok. Boots are tough to find also. Had mine made by a buddy.
only concern is that there will be a difference in color if I would buy stuff from all kinds of sellers?

or isn't that really an issue?
Bronze armory is the best out there. They never made the cape or boots since the demand became so low. I have the Ricky cape. Not accurate by any means and VERY heavy. But its really the only commercially made one that's sort of ok. Boots are tough to find also. Had mine made by a buddy.

Any chance of a PM for a link to that cape please? Wouldn't mind taking a look at all. I need to finish off my costume haha.
Ahhhh I didn't realize it was the same guy from the OPs post. I just checked, he only has 2 full suits for sale, one with the diamond milliskin pattern and one with an "S" milliskin pattern.

Thanks anyway, I'll keep an eye out on that sellers listings.