Superglue question


Well-Known Member
Debating on the best way to do this. I've got a copper circuit board (for a Luke ROTJ) superglued to a copper control box top. I want to get it back off again. What's the best method?

Soak in Acetone?

Soak in warm water?

Pry it off?

If it's jdpilot's circuit board do not touch it with acetone! Acetone will take off the dark stripes. If you just used regular superglue, just pry it off.
I agree with you, it will be hard. depending on the amount of glue used, I'd try Acetone. But it may damage your plastic pieces's one of JD's pieces. Thanks for the info foxbatkllr. I already knew that though. I've got another circuit board on the way from JD already though so that'll be ok.

Stupid me while clear coating the top of the control box after polishing it had a bug land in the clear coat. Guess that's my luck eh? I do have the acrylic "finishing piece" glued to the base of the control box top too and I don't want to damage the acrylic with acetone. If I can't pry it off I can always try to set up a shallow acetone bath so only the top soaks I guess.

As far as prying it off, I'm mostly afraid of messing up the copper control box top.

EDIT - Think a flat bladed razorblade might work best? Maybe a tiny flat head screwdriver...hmmm....
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I never tried it, but you can use the dedicated debonder, search on Ebay for "superglue debonder".
The great (or sucky, depending on your point of view) thing about cyanoacrylate, aka supreglue, is that it has terrible shear strength. It has great pull strength, but knock it from the side and pieces come right apart. CA is great if you need to hang yourself from a hardhat, but is pretty useless as soon as any side pressure is applied.

Take the item and put it in th freezer for an hour or so. Take it out and you should be able to seperate the two pieces with a little bit of a twist or tap from the side on a countertop.

I used my x-acto :)cool) blade to pop mine off. The other bad thing about "super glue" is that after a few years it will crytalize and crumble. Or at least in my experience.
The great (or sucky, depending on your point of view) thing about cyanoacrylate, aka supreglue, is that it has terrible shear strength. It has great pull strength, but knock it from the side and pieces come right apart. CA is great if you need to hang yourself from a hardhat, but is pretty useless as soon as any side pressure is applied.

Take the item and put it in th freezer for an hour or so. Take it out and you should be able to seperate the two pieces with a little bit of a twist or tap from the side on a countertop.


GREAT info there. That's the first thing I'll try. Thanks all for the advice!
Hey all...just wanted to say thanks for the advice. After freezing it, the circuit board popped off quite easily by getting a flat razorblade under it.