Super7 is going to make the unproduced 1979 ALIEN action figures!

super7 will do a release of the 3 3/4 unreleased kenner alien line

Super7 was anounced a new 3 3/4 kenner alien line using the unreleased prototype's supposed that will be launched by the end of 2012.
the figures come's with his accesories and a vintage style card.

the line includes: Kane in nostromo suit,Ripley,Ash,Dallas and the big chap alien.

some product pics

also,Super7 it's releasing burger king style glasses from alien.
Re: super7 will do a release of the 3 3/4 unreleased kenner alien line

The glasses look cheese-tastic!
I got to check out the prototypes at SDCC up close. These are absolutely awesome. They immediately brought me back to the days of the OT Star Wars and other 70's - early 80's action figures.
New Images of the Super7 ALIEN Action Figures Using Original Kenner Prototypes | Collider






Is this going to effect the value of my original 'big chap' which is missing an arm and the smoked plastic skull cover? Think I got it at Two Guys a billion years ago.
Is this going to effect the value of my original 'big chap' which is missing an arm and the smoked plastic skull cover? Think I got it at Two Guys a billion years ago.

I think Super 7's Big Chap is 3 3/4" size - not the same as Kenner's original big guy.
I wonder if they are going to make the Nostromo playset thing that was also supposed to come out for use with the action figures!

And these things are only 20bucks each - that's cool with me!! I figured they'd be selling them for higher.
Wait, wha????

I beg to differ, there's not a lot of those things floating around these days. Seriously, go try to find one... then tell me what the seller is asking for it.

Just check fleaBay. There's one more complete than yours with 9 hours left and no bids with a 100 dollar starting bid.
Wait, wha????

I beg to differ, there's not a lot of those things floating around these days. Seriously, go try to find one... then tell me what the seller is asking for it.

No, I beg to differ. Clutch is 100% correct. Once upon a time these were worth big money but the toy collecting marketcrashed around 2006 then EVERYTHING dropped in value including the big Alien. There is a mint one in our local collectible store for 200.00. It's been collecting dust for over 3 years.
No, I beg to differ. Clutch is 100% correct. Once upon a time these were worth big money but the toy collecting marketcrashed around 2006 then EVERYTHING dropped in value including the big Alien. There is a mint one in our local collectible store for 200.00. It's been collecting dust for over 3 years.

True, the collecting market isn't what it used to be, but I guess $100-$200 is less money to some than it is to others... oops, sometimes I forget which board I'm on. :lol
No, I beg to differ. Clutch is 100% correct. Once upon a time these were worth big money but the toy collecting marketcrashed around 2006 then EVERYTHING dropped in value.

Then how come I can never find the figures I want at Target or Walmart? The shelves always looked picked over with slivers of raw bacon hanging from the pegs blowing in the wind.
True, the collecting market isn't what it used to be, but I guess $100-$200 is less money to some than it is to others... oops, sometimes I forget which board I'm on. :lol

It is when you figure one just sold MIB for a shade over $3,000.
While I don't have any actual figures to giveaway, thanks to the guys at Super7 I will have some of the Reaction figure stands and retro booklets available as freebies shortly if anyone is interested.


While I don't have any actual figures to giveaway, thanks to the guys at Super7 I will have some of the Reaction figure stands and retro booklets available as freebies shortly if anyone is interested.

I set my buddy up with the mail order deal at the SDCC, I know he would be interested if that is ok?
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