Question Stuck at 20 posts (answered)


New Member
Hello Mods &/or Admins... I seem to be stuck on 20 posts, I am not sure how long it has been this way, I am guessing I have made in the neighborhood of 10 or more posts since I hit the 20 mark. Not a big deal on my end, just giving a heads up... if I am the man who is stuck at 20, so be it. :lol
Posts in the Off-Topic section or the Junkyard don't add to your post count. I had a similar question when I wondered why my post counts weren't always incrementing. Hope this helps!
Hell I am stuck at 2!!! I am active on so many boards that I have neglected being active on these boards. It is a shame too because there is a wealth of information here!
Post count?

I don’t post often and I don’t pay close attention.
But my post count seems to be stuck at 222.

Reminds me of the old TV show with the same room number.


Edit Never mind it just now went to 223
For future reference, here is how to manually compute your post count.

Everyone starts with 0 posts.
Every time you post, there are two possible changes:
(1) if it is in "Off-Topic Discussion" or "The Junkyard", post count changes by +0
(2) if it is any other category, post count changes by +1
If your post is deleted from the forum, post count changes by -1
If you originally post in a category besides "Off-Topic Discussion" or "The Junkyard" and your post is moved to either "Off-Topic Discussion" or "The Junkyard", post count changes by -1

If you don't trust the forum software, it is handy to manually compute your post count on a sticky note and place it on your monitor.
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Post Count?

So how exactly does this post count work? I've noticed that mine has appeared to be stuck on 240 over my last few posts.
Re: Post Count?

and it took you seven years to figure that out? :lol

No worries, I see this question all the time. I wonder if this was the most asked question on the rpf..."why is my post count stuck?"