Question How Long Should Posts Stay “Stuck?”


Master Member
There are several threads in the Movies and Entertainment thread that have had very little action that are “stuck.”

“The Invisible Man” has had two posts, both today, in the last month.

“Westworld” has also had two posts in the last month.

“Most Anticipated Movies of 2020” has had no posts in over a month.

“Pixar’s Onward” no posts in over a month.

“Favorite Movie of 2019” no posts in two months.

Granted, two of these are polls, so I guess it’s possible people are still voting...but there are 8 topics stuck in that sub-forum, and five of them have seen very little response recently.

Maybe we could get them un-stuck to clean it up a bit?
There are several threads in the Movies and Entertainment thread that have had very little action that are “stuck.”

“The Invisible Man” has had two posts, both today, in the last month.

“Westworld” has also had two posts in the last month.

“Most Anticipated Movies of 2020” has had no posts in over a month.

“Pixar’s Onward” no posts in over a month.

“Favorite Movie of 2019” no posts in two months.

Granted, two of these are polls, so I guess it’s possible people are still voting...but there are 8 topics stuck in that sub-forum, and five of them have seen very little response recently.

Maybe we could get them un-stuck to clean it up a bit?
Sorry about the present situation... the individual that takes care of that forum is on and extended hiatus at the moment so we are working on an alternate plan.
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