Just curious...has anyone made a convincing replica of the 1985 Dune Stillsuit? Always wanted one....
Cool, yes. But the construction costs are outside the range of most people that might want one.
You could always make the duck tape mannequin of yourself. You will need someone to help you of course. It goes something like this:
You wear the thin shorts and a tshirt and have someone wrap you in plastic wrap from neck to ankles -from a grocery store. The reason for the plastic wrap is so your not putting the duct tape directly onto exposed skin. Then you have the helper start wrapping you in duct tape(not sure of how many rolls it will take). Tell them to not wrap it to tight that you have your circulation cut off. I don't think it matters where you start.You need to have a few layers of duct tape so it holds it shape. Once your completely wrapped, you have the helper carefully (using scissors) cut a slit up the backs of the legs and back and underside of the arms to get you out of it. Take your time and once your out,just tape up the seams and your ready to fill it(pack it snug) with old news papers or the self rising insulation foam in a spray can from wally world(alittle at a time so it doesn't distort your duct tape shell). And then you have a home made lifecast of yourself to work on. To make it stand up you can insert pvc pipe into the body to make it like a skeleton and then add the old newspaper or spray foam. This way you can mount it on a base from the pvc pipe ends sticking out from the ankles. Much easier to work on this way.