Starting Again. RE Nemesis W.I.P


New Member
Well its been a few years since I attempted anything like this so I thought I would share it here. I think the last costume work I did was in 05 or so. So here it goes my attempts at making a Nemesis Costume from the Resident Evil 2 movies. One of the ones I have always wanted to make so I figured it was time to give it a try.

So first off I needed something to start the clay work on. Looked at buying a Ed Head from monster makes but wanted to give life casting a try so with the help of my fiancee we got started..

Everything laid out and ready.
Ready for the Plaster.
Did not have Alginate so we
did it the hard way



Finished Bust Foam Filled

One that part was done the fun Starts.. Got a few hours in so far. Forgot how much I enjoy doing these.

Thats my progress So far Still much more detail and work today.. Less then half way done but so far im happy with the progress.
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