Starship Troopers Rodger Young model question


Well-Known Member
Got some questions about models of the Rodger Young from Starship Troopers.

I recall that there have been two versions put out, I think both are sold from the UK and perhaps both from the same manufacturer - maybe iFactory. I read a review somewhere that the second version was much improved over the first.

Does anyone on here have experience putting together one of these kits? Meaning, not a one-time homemade /fan-made Rodger Young, but a commercial version.

If so, can you share your experience/pics/thoughts about it with us? Also, what hull color did you pick? I understand the movie versions are like a pale blue or pale green, but I was thinking of going with a semi-custom capital ship gray.

(And sure, I would love to see homemade versions too, in a separate thread).

Thanks much!
Hummm.....I really don't remember if it's Monsters in Motion or another model shop which was about to reissue a Rodger Young kit much more accurate and with a lot of improvements !!!

Its federation models that is selling the retooled Roger Young kit from the UK. The MIM one is ok but the retooled one looks much better.