Stargate Universe Destiny Potential 3d printed model

Copy of the 3d gate files your doing. I own and have scanned the full blueprints for: the Stargate, Offworld platform, DHD (same as what you can probably find on the web but cleaned up), and both the Movie and SG1 Stargate Command sets which include the platform & clamps. I also have a MALP print (think its from the concept drawing but was in Mission folder I own). I've got Daedelous outside schematics too. I've been wanting to do a Milky Way Stargate in scale to the 18" Rockler lazy susan bearing for the center moving track. Unfortunately my 3d Cad skills are good for simple brackets etc and I only have Alibre 2010 Prof. Rescaling it probably wouldn't be a problem with Alibre or Blender I don't think as long as the 3d Cad files are compatable to those programs.
Copy of the 3d gate files your doing. I own and have scanned the full blueprints for: the Stargate, Offworld platform, DHD (same as what you can probably find on the web but cleaned up), and both the Movie and SG1 Stargate Command sets which include the platform & clamps. I also have a MALP print (think its from the concept drawing but was in Mission folder I own). I've got Daedelous outside schematics too. I've been wanting to do a Milky Way Stargate in scale to the 18" Rockler lazy susan bearing for the center moving track. Unfortunately my 3d Cad skills are good for simple brackets etc and I only have Alibre 2010 Prof. Rescaling it probably wouldn't be a problem with Alibre or Blender I don't think as long as the 3d Cad files are compatable to those programs.

Maybe I should get back to building my Stargate based on those prints. I recall there was one detail with how the frieze panel attaches to the frame that halted my progress in making it perfectly accurate though.
Copy of the 3d gate files your doing. I own and have scanned the full blueprints for: the Stargate, Offworld platform, DHD (same as what you can probably find on the web but cleaned up), and both the Movie and SG1 Stargate Command sets which include the platform & clamps. I also have a MALP print (think its from the concept drawing but was in Mission folder I own). I've got Daedelous outside schematics too. I've been wanting to do a Milky Way Stargate in scale to the 18" Rockler lazy susan bearing for the center moving track. Unfortunately my 3d Cad skills are good for simple brackets etc and I only have Alibre 2010 Prof. Rescaling it probably wouldn't be a problem with Alibre or Blender I don't think as long as the 3d Cad files are compatable to those programs.

Well I should mention that the gates are all one solid piece with no separate symbol track. I can do the symbol track last so that the save file can be split in two so that I can have one copy with a separate track. And I can rescale in the software I use, Solidworks. If you want a copy of the gate to fit that bearing then send me the bearing dimensions, preferably in mm, and a pic of it front and back so I know where the mounting surfaces are. Also, how big is the printer you use, because the gate will need to be segmented for printing?
I'd send it to shapeways for printing, Would probalby be best to divide it for printing into 1 of the 9 segments for the inner & outer tracks. Would probably have to divide the glyph track into 3 glyph segments (13 pieces).

Alibre can read Soldworks files so I could probably hollow it out myself if need be as well as divide it into segments. Just has to be Alibre 2010 readable so a 2010 or older Soldiworks format, stl, obj, etc.

The rockler ring itself is that I have & the R2 builders use is:
5/8th of an inch thick (15.875mm) (with the plastic feet removed)
Outer bearing track/Overall diameter is 17 3/8ths of an inch (441.325mm)
Diameter to split between the bearing tracks is 16 inches (406.4mm)
Inner most diameter of the inside track is 14 15/16ths of an inch (379.4125mm)

So with those dimensions would want to add a little for play/fitment. At that scale though I'm not completely sure if it would be better to have the inner or outer bearing race have the glyphs attached to it, my guess would be it would fit better inside the stargate dimensions with the glyphs attached to the inner bearing race.
If you hollow it out.

Rockler offers a larger 24 inch bearing now but I don't have one to know it's dimensions & its $183. vs $90 for the 17 3/8ths inch lazy susan

PM me if this is a go with your email address & file size limits per email.
Right, todays progress. Overall gate shape complete and new chevrons on plus new detailing on the back. Also put on the emitters around the inner most surface. Chevrons are nearly complete. Gate just needs detailing further then saved as two separate files, one for milky way and one for Pegasus. Once that is done I can get the glyphs and star patterns on both gates. Haven't subdivided the glyph ring yet as the milky way ones have 39 glyphs and Pegasus have 36, so that will be done after file separation.


Hope everyone likes.

By the way, file size for the solidworks model so far is about 69MB. The STL will be much, much larger. Probably in the region of 1-2GB. If anyone has any suggestions about file transfer method where I upload for the buyer to retrieve at their convenience please let me know.
I'd send it to shapeways for printing, Would probalby be best to divide it for printing into 1 of the 9 segments for the inner & outer tracks. Would probably have to divide the glyph track into 3 glyph segments (13 pieces).

Alibre can read Soldworks files so I could probably hollow it out myself if need be as well as divide it into segments. Just has to be Alibre 2010 readable so a 2010 or older Soldiworks format, stl, obj, etc.

The rockler ring itself is that I have & the R2 builders use is:
5/8th of an inch thick (15.875mm) (with the plastic feet removed)
Outer bearing track/Overall diameter is 17 3/8ths of an inch (441.325mm)
Diameter to split between the bearing tracks is 16 inches (406.4mm)
Inner most diameter of the inside track is 14 15/16ths of an inch (379.4125mm)

So with those dimensions would want to add a little for play/fitment. At that scale though I'm not completely sure if it would be better to have the inner or outer bearing race have the glyphs attached to it, my guess would be it would fit better inside the stargate dimensions with the glyphs attached to the inner bearing race.
If you hollow it out.

Rockler offers a larger 24 inch bearing now but I don't have one to know it's dimensions & its $183. vs $90 for the 17 3/8ths inch lazy susan

PM me if this is a go with your email address & file size limits per email.

I'll have a look at what I need to do to the model to sort it for use with the bearing. Scaling can be done in solidworks easily, it's sat at 10" diameter at the moment. And it's getting divided up for printing anyway so no issues there. The milky way and Pegasus gates will be done by the end of the week so i'll see what I can do then.
Definately have better modeling skills in CAD than me. :) Let me know about the blueprints if you want to get super accurate on the details of the dimensions, angles, and proportions.
Definately have better modeling skills in CAD than me. :) Let me know about the blueprints if you want to get super accurate on the details of the dimensions, angles, and proportions.

The problem with working at this scale is that a lot of detail and accuracy is lost the moment it is 3d printed. A few of the details that I've put on may not even show up once printed but I'm trying to stick as much detail as possible in. Probably would have been better modelling it full scale then just scaling it down to suit each customer. If you don't mind sending them then I'll gladly redo the gate at full scale and do as I said, just rescale for each person wanting a gate. I can take this build as a practice run and still get the new build done in a few days. If anyone is planning on manufacturing these gates, I'll be doing some high res lit renders to send to each person buying the 3d files.
Blueprints sent your way. Just so everyone knows I sent CaptainReynolds the 9 stargate prints, ramp/platform prints that I have, iris print, DHD prints that I have, and lastly the outside Dadelous schematics that I have in case there's interest in splitting the modeling cost on that to get a larger model made than the prior one that was available on starship modeler's website.
Blueprints sent your way. Just so everyone knows I sent CaptainReynolds the 9 stargate prints, ramp/platform prints that I have, iris print, DHD prints that I have, and lastly the outside Dadelous schematics that I have in case there's interest in splitting the modeling cost on that to get a larger model made than the prior one that was available on starship modeler's website.

Will be remodelling both the milky way and Pegasus gates to match the original production blueprints, wasn't far off but this will make it really accurate. Also for those who want it, there will be an optional movie style top chevron and glyph ring.
Well, the gate builds are introducing me to a novel feature of solidworks that I've not used before, multi body modelling. Essentially, make parts like the chevrons as seperate files then attach them to the gate but not in an assembly, actually in a single part file. Means I can get all the fine detail on the components without having to worry what the cut or extrude, ect, will do to the components around it. But also means I can do rounds and chamfers between two separate components unlike in an assembly.

Solidworks and it's big brother, Catia, are the only pieces of software that I have come across that can handle doing that with parametric based modelling. Other mesh based ones like blender can do it but this is the first time I've tried it with this kind of modelling.

It's going to make these gates and other builds much, much quicker and more detailed. And is going to make the destiny build a lot less tedious as I can make certain details away in a seperate part so I'm not having resolution issues trying to zoom on the main destiny file. You can see what I mean about the res issues on one of the last gate pics I posted, around the inner ring of the gate near the emitters. Goes from being lovely and smooth to being horrible and angular.
Yea, that feature isn't in Alibre 2010 or the newer versions under the new geomagic name yet, which forces using an assembly.... and the way Alibre saves/exports the assembly is not as a single body which leaves the breaks between assemblies and then you have to go in and edit the file in Blender (or similar) to take out the seams & merge the joints. Major PITA
Yea, that feature isn't in Alibre 2010 or the newer versions under the new geomagic name yet, which forces using an assembly.... and the way Alibre saves/exports the assembly is not as a single body which leaves the breaks between assemblies and then you have to go in and edit the file in Blender (or similar) to take out the seams & merge the joints. Major PITA

Yep, the software I used to, and I suppose still, specialise in was like that. PTC Creo. Good software if a bit of a pain at times, but much easier to manage equation based and data based geometries, for me at least.
And so it begins again. First bit of the 1:1 scale gates, 100% accurate to the production schematics provided by cheech9898. Complete rebuild of all three gates. Starting with the milky way and Pegasus gates, with the destiny gate coming quickly alongside.

Doing it in bits then combining at the end to rescale for each persons order. First bit complete, the series chevron. Next bit to be done will be the movie top chevron.


Pity the designers of Destiny didn't do blueprints this detailed, they would be unbelievably handy.
Ok, work started on the gate body, glyph ring removed to do separately.


Movie chevron pieces.


And top caps.


When pieces are finished i'll upload them here as 3D PDF files if it will let me. If not then i'll PM them to the people who commissioned the gates, namely sciroccojunky, Tomperys and cheech9898.
Looking good! Cant believe how fast you can model.

Just out of curiosity will the final "joints/seams" when printed be hidden under the chevron like the original gate pieces were? Not sure what your plan/methodology was for modeling everything and how it was going to break down
these are some good ass questions. you're pretty crafty at modeling so breaking them down or segmenting them this way would be sweet. I think all the gates could get away with breaking down/segmenting in this method. filling and sanding on curves and compound corners can be kind of a pain.

I am impressed how quick you're busting this out. Very excited to see more progress pics. nice job captain!
Looking good! Cant believe how fast you can model.

Just out of curiosity will the final "joints/seams" when printed be hidden under the chevron like the original gate pieces were? Not sure what your plan/methodology was for modeling everything and how it was going to break down
these are some good ass questions. you're pretty crafty at modeling so breaking them down or segmenting them this way would be sweet. I think all the gates could get away with breaking down/segmenting in this method. filling and sanding on curves and compound corners can be kind of a pain.

I am impressed how quick you're busting this out. Very excited to see more progress pics. nice job captain!

Tell me about it, I have been on vacation from work for 3 days now and I have spent about 14 hours rounding and smoothing hard edges on the bridge model,which is almost all the edges lol! but on the bright side i am almost done with the model and just hit the milestone of 4 million edges and 2 million faces.
Looking good! Cant believe how fast you can model.

Just out of curiosity will the final "joints/seams" when printed be hidden under the chevron like the original gate pieces were? Not sure what your plan/methodology was for modeling everything and how it was going to break down

I always work this fast, especially on a remodel when I've gotten my eye in the first time round. It's what I do for a living. In regards to the seam, the gate segment you see was actually half that mirrored about the centre of the chevron, it can be mirrored the other way to put the segment seams under the chevrons. That would mean having to do separate chevrons to be glued on but I can create a mounting point for them so they sit right. You will still have the seam not covered by the chevron on the inner most ring of the gate. The seam between front and back of the gate will be hidden by the panelling on the outermost and inner most part of the gate. The destiny gate won't be able to use the same method but as you will see on a pic I will post later, there are seams in the gate design I can utilise to hide them.
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