Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

I didn't want to mention what happened to Han. But yeah, the theater was silent when that happened. My jaw hit the floor with a very loud clang.
So, Phasma was offed at the end? They made such a big deal of that character just to snuff her so fast.

Shes back with a much bigger part in VIII for definite. Part of the reason is there was such a strong fan response to the character, and there is that rumour that Rhian Johnson has taken her part in another direction and expanded the role significantly. Given that there are supposed to be about thirty five minutes of footage cut from the film including the likes of Constable Zeibo and a snow battle with Phasma and a squad of snowtroopers with the Snowspeeders (the end of which is glimpsed with the vehicle parked outside the door when they break into the base}, I'm just waiting for the extended DVD at some point. When people read the book we will have a better idea whats been cut from it and I think there is quite a bit.
I was highly disappointed in the film. A new Death Star / planet blow up again for the 3rd time. You ride out to take it out using only 8 X-wings. This joint is s huge ass planet..don't you think the 1st order would have around 10k tie fighters really to roll out. Even if they just sent 30 of them to take the X wings out. It would have been over in a few minutes.
I liked the movie! Visuals and costumes were great, and the new characters were good too, it's always nice to see a badass female character (that is not over sexualized lol).

The only downside I'd have is I was hoping for a complete new storyline but I found too many similarities with the original trilogy. There is so much potential with a universe like this one, that's a bit of a waste, I understand that was to bring a huge flow of nostalgia, but I was hoping for a bit more of novelty.

Either way, really entertaining, and visually beautiful.
Is Finn jedi too?

The reason I ask is because of all the stormtroopers he broke programming and wanted to stay good(no killing villagers), him and Rey kind of drifted together like they were meant to meet and he gave Kylo a run for his money with the sabre, landing a few hits.

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I was highly disappointed in the film. A new Death Star / planet blow up again for the 3rd time. You ride out to take it out using only 8 X-wings. This joint is s huge ass planet..don't you think the 1st order would have around 10k tie fighters really to roll out. Even if they just sent 30 of them to take the X wings out. It would have been over in a few minutes.

Also, shouldn't the planet have gone supernova? It did have the energy of the sun stored in it :p
I forgot to say that when I saw it I almost cried when I heard Leia's theme being played.

I did enjoy many small details here and there. Seeing Leia feeling Han's death was a nice touch - it reminds us that she is Force-sensitive, although not a Force user.

Did not spot Warwick Davis....What did he play or was he cut?.
I spotted his name in the end credits but could not see who he was in the movie.
The character's name is "Wollivan" according to IMDB.

Rey's final costume is very reminiscent of Luke in ESB.
I think only the colour. Luke wore a short uniform jacket in military style with pockets, cotton quill.
Rey wore a coarsely woven vest of non-uniformly dyed yarn with quilted shoulders and serged edges, plus separate sleeves in the same style.

The material reminded me a bit of the elven cloaks from Lord of the Rings. The quilting reminds me of the grey vests of the Rebel Commandos on Endor in ROTJ, except that lines are curved here.

That being said, I completely loved Maz Kanata, thought she looked wonderful, and believed she was in the scenes with the actors.
I too liked her. Lupita N'yongo said in interviews that she was present on set when those scenes were shot. Her performance was not phoned in.
Star Wars TFA. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!! Haters and Lovers Welcome

I have to get this out.

Okay don't attack me because this is my opinion and I am still entitled to it. Technically in America we are still allowed our opinions, kind of.

If you like that steaming pile of crap called TFA you may not like this.

That SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Four out of five Star Wars movies with OT cast center on destroying a Death Star. There are other plots you know.

I know, lets not have Luke in it until the very end and no dialogue. I started a Jedi Academy. I sucked at it. Unleashed hell on the Galaxy so now I will go hide like a punk.

A will dump my daughter on a crappy sand world and let her starve. Somehow she becomes a master pilot and can defeat a total bad ass "sith" who demonstrates more power than I or Vader ever could yet she defeats him never having even held a lightsaber.

My old lightsaber is the new one ring. It's "calling" to her. Good thing Gollum is in this movie.

When the going gets tough me and my buddy Han abandon everyone and go hide.

The Falcon is left to rot, open and unguarded but starts right up. Why again is a perfectly good ship left to rot. Oh yeah, also one of the fastest ships ever. Oh yeah, Rey had heard of the Falcon and the Kessel run but again, it just sat there.

Han and Chewy just happen upon the Falcon drifting in space.

A droid, with vital information ends up on a sand planet and just happens to find a stranded Skywalker looking for something more. She needs to get the droid and his secret information to resistance and find an old Jedi. It sure seems like I have seen this move before.

Snoke-Don't know. Just a silly big CGI character. We still know nothing about him.

Hux-WTF??? I thought he was not an impressive looking guy but must be an impressive actor or character. Nope.

The third Death Star is easily destroyed,...again.

Han is killed by his punk son. Really???? Wow. That was really, stupid.

I get it, it's the Cantina. There is doing little nods and then there is copying the entire movie.

Play ANH and TFA side by side. I think they run pretty much parallel.

Luke's lightsaber. Rey finds it, again because Han who coincidentally found here after BB8 coincidentally found her and Han takes her to the one place that coincidentally has Luke's lightsaber. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????

Oh, we found Luke. Lets send the new girl and Chewy only.

Kylo Ren. The new bad ass Sith, sorry Knight of Ren, whatever the hell that means, throws little temper tantrums and then is easily beaten by a person who has never held a saber and then tries to spare his own little punk life by tempting her to the dark side, Vader was cool, why would anyone follow Kylo Ren since he is such a weak punk.

I know I already mentioned his being beat by her as stupid but it was sooo stupid it was worth mentioning twice.

Han fires Chewy's Bowcaster for the first time ever in this movie. Really?????????????

OMG that was such a horrible, stupid movie. Why would anyone agree to finance this???

We are gonna have a third Death Star. Luke it in 30 seconds and does not speak. Han is in it a bit but is a jerk who abandons everyone and gets killed by his punk son.

Sounds great. Let's do that.


You really don't need to get mad at me. I warned you this was an I hate it review and I did not want to rain on everyone else's parade so I posted it here.


I am so depressed. That was worse than the Prequels.
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Just prior to firing the weapon, General Hux talked about destroying the Senate and the leaders of the Republic, as well as destroying the Republic Fleet. From what we saw in the prequels, and the views they showed of a massive city, I would assume that it was Corruscant and it's neighboring Moons/Planets that were destroyed.
Re: Star Wars TFA. My Review. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!!!!!!.

I saw it this morning and share a lot of your feelings. I still enjoyed it and found it entertaining but it crossed the line into being too derivative. It's simply impossible to recapture the magic of my 1977 8-year old mind. However, my 10 year old son says "Five Stars!"
Okay read through this thread after seeing it last night. First off, some guy back there is bitching he would never see this because (from what he's read) it's exactly as bad as he knew it would be?

Dumb. You're missing out.

NOW... This movie is great. You COULD nitpick it to death, but on the same level you can nitpick ANH and ROTJ. There is nothing on the level of Jar Jar or Jake Loyd or "I hate sand" or "Love has blinded you" or blah blah blah...

If you love and excuse the problems with the O.T. there should be nothing in this that's not forgiveable.

As for ranking, I can easily say it's better than Jedi (if only for Han Solo being HAN SOLO again!) but better than ANH? Nostalgia probably can't allow that.

My age and career can't allow that.

When I saw the originals I was 8... I hadn't spent years watching and breaking apart movies. I hadn't studied story... I hadn't worked in the industry and seen behind the curtain. I could enjoy a movie as a movie... not as a "how would I have done it?"

This movie came damn close though to me getting lost in a flick again.

And you can see the story being worked out... the setups for the payoffs.

We need Rey to fight with a lightsaber... better have her fight with her staff early on... a sword would be to obvious, so keep it just a staff.

And yeah, a lot of nods to the original, and plot devices, but if this is garbage you won't watch, you better not say you love Jedi.

The Great:

Rey is great. Setting her up as a scavenger who knows here way around star destroyers helps make it believable when she's moving around Starkiller base. Is she a Skywalker? Was she just a kid at the jedi academy that was incredibly strong in the force that Luke had to hide from Kylo? Maybe? I'm going to assume since she jumped to the mind trick, that she had been taught a bit as a child.

Fin is good. I liked him a lot more than I thought I would.

POE... frak I wish he was in more. Instantly liked him... and right away thought "Well, Han is biting it, cuz here's new Han". Great casting.

Kylo Ren - love Adam Driver in "Girls". Loved him in this. Can't wait to see him grow as a messed up evil guy.

The opening 10 minutes were so good I was thinking "okay screw this, it's going to be the best one yet"... that didn't quite pan out, but it certainly was a great opening.

The scene where Kylo reaches for Luke's saber... and Rey pulls it. EARNED moment. Theater went nuts.

Kylo kills Han, Han touches Kylo's face - loved this scene, wish it had played out in the next one, but then the whiners would be going on about it being too much of an Empire Strikes Back moment

Han and Leia discussing Kylo and what happened - seeing them as concerned parents was great. Parents who've gone through so much they are barely just friends, would like to be more again, but just too much BS in their lives to realistically make it work.

Han's line "You think it was just luck we found the Falcon" - phew... cuz I was wondering up to that point how the could possibly have just run into it.

"We'll use the Force" "That's not how it works." - TRULY bringing back the spiritual side of The Force.

Not so great?:

I wanted more... I wanted to know more about the Knights of Ren, Where Rey came from, more Max VonSidow (Sp?) character. But then if this was all spelled out, where's the fun in the next flicks.

I wish there was a breather of some sort between the stealing of the Falcon and Han and Chewie arriving.

Something not Starkiller base. It was FINE in the way the second death star was FINE... but it would have been great if something else. But if you need a super weapon, and you're in Star Wars world, then a giant laser blasting planet is where it's at.

After that we get stupid nitpicky...

And I'm not going to go there, cuz we're talking "Han never shot the bowcaster?" type crap... and if you do that for this movie, get a few pens, cuz if you had to write out for Jedi, you're going to need a lot of ink.

Thanks George for setting all this up, Thanks JJ for knocking it out of the park.

I've been a HUGE fan of JJ since I read in Premier about a nobody screenwriter with a pilot script for Felicity that everyone was bidding on. I got a hold of a copy, and was hooked. He's had some ups and downs, but he's an entertainer... and I sought out the entertainment industry to get to work with guys like him. Guys who first and foremost just want to sit you down and entertain you.

I hope I get to work directly with him one day... he rules.
Re: Star Wars TFA. My Review. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!!!!!!.

You know there's a 10 page thread of reviews....
Re: Star Wars TFA. My Review. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!!!!!!.

You know there's a 10 page thread of reviews....

Yep and mostly seems positive so , as mentioned I did not want to dump on people who liked it.



I never thought I would long for the days of Jar JAr.
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That makes total sense, I have to watch it a few more times to let it all sink in. lol .

The obvious connection is that he is the one that Luke left Rey with as a child in that flash back on Jakku. That would explain why he had the final part of the map and probably why Luke looks so emotional at the end and cannot speak when he sees her because she has found him. The question is, is she a Skywalker? Given her strong force powers and the way she looks I would think the answer is yes. I would guess her mother was probably killed in the raid by the Knights of Ren, and that's why we see so little of that flashback and that's why we know and saw so little about MVS character. It certainly explains why Luke couldn't be near her without the danger of drawing Ren and co towards them and why she wasn't active with the Force until her contact with Kylo activated it. Is the age gap between Rey and him big enough to allow all this to have happened ? It certainly would bring a hugely potent dynamic to the story, if she discovers the truth.
The Force Awakens: Special Edition

Has there been an discussion about an expanded version of the film? Are there a lot of known scenes that were shot but didn't make the cut?
Re: The Force Awakens: Special Edition

Only one they really talked about was Maz Kanata. She apparently had a bunch more scenes/dialogue but had to get cut because Lupita Nyong'o did a bad job
Re: Star Wars TFA. My Review. Warning spoilers and I hate it!!!!!!!.

I find your honesty refreshing! Too many people are just raving because it IS STAR WARS and they have built the hype up, they cannot ever admit they don't like it now :lol
Heck, I loved the one person who said, "if you don't like ANY of the seven films then you are not a real fan". And I KNOW you are a real fan, so it is nice to hear your honest opinion of the film, as a fan.
Maybe they are holding off on other starships for the sequels. They don't want to show everything in the first movie.

I am relieved.

Star Wars in tone and spirit is back. The Force is no longer "a blood test", but a spiritual element in the story. Han's story went the way we all knew it would, given Ford's feelings on the character. I was a bit saddened to realize this badass smuggler eventually became almost a doddering grifter, but I guess that's what happens when a smuggler gets into his 70s. Felt plausible, as well as his damaged relationship with Leia after losing a son like that.

I liked Kylo Ren much more than I thought I would, and I appreciate him being unhinged and CLEARLY not ready for prime time, so to speak. He's weak, vulnerable, and seems bat **** crazy. It's not a Vader redo, unlike the whole Starkiller base plot which is pretty weak, story-wise. But that's okay... I understand why they played it safe, reintroducing us to Star Wars proper after 32 years. I will be much more critical of the next saga plot line. I want some originality now that we're back in the pool.

Daisy Ridley KILLED it. I adore her acting, character, and storyline. Is she a Skywalker? Probably. I like that Von Sydow was probably left on Jakku to watch over her, yeah. Boyega also was stellar as Finn - probably the best acting in the film, and I wanted to see him used more. I don't like that he wanted to run away, it felt off. I also wanted way more Poe. Ford played Solo as you'd expect, and Chewie was surprisingly on point and stole the show more than a few times. Very impressed with how they captured his ANH Trash Compactor "ninny" side without making him a baby. And seeing him in berserker mode after the lightsaber skewering was good - I half expected to see him tear the arms off of something, with all the call backs this film had.

BB-8, oh man. They topped Artoo. I can't believe it, but they did. That thumbs up scene had everyone laughing - a wonderful bit and communal experience. Also interesting how all the fighting took place in the atmosphere's of planets. No literal "star wars" this time around. And Snoke was like Voldermort - I'm not into that whole thing CGI look he has, but character-wise I am intrigued, and I guess they just expanded the universe somewhat? That being said, I completely loved Maz Katana, thought she looked wonderful, and believed she was in the scenes with the actors.

I dunno if Vos intentionally added the dent to Rey's speeder, but that was a glorious call back to Luke's Landspeeder.

Where were the TIE Bombers and Y-Wings!? There were no other fighters besides TIEs and Xs!

I'm still processing what I saw overall... but I'm glad Star Wars is back.
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