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I will quit watching the first time a "lost" Jedi shows up.

They can not do that.

Put a few in flashbacks if you like. But if Jedi start turning up, it guts the whole "our last hope" stuff.

How so? It's not said anywhere at the end of ROTS that the only jedi left, period, are Yoda and Ben (not counting Luke/Leia) is it?. Part of the gap between ROTS and ANH is the hunting down and killing the remaining Jedi. How exactly is it implausible that the series could run across a couple? They just basically have to die before the series ends.

Plus, who's to say yoda is always right?

Now, if a one armed Mace Windu or an Ayla Secura shows up saying 'good thing I was wearing that laserproof vest', then, yeah, it's over. If this thing is going to run 5 years, though, no reason a jedi can't surface or vader make an appearance, etc.

Not saying I advocate any of the above, just that it doesn't really lessen anything.
Id support the use of Jedis, so long as the purpose of them in the story is them getting hunted down by Vader and/or Boba Fett. Maybe Vader is only after finding Kenobi and along the way finds other Jedi.
I totally want to see Sam Witwer show up as Starkiller. Just a brief cameo, or a short story arc of this mysterious bad guy, not too much.

But yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing Jedi show up now and again. They should keep it to a minimum, though, since the Jedi are very few in number and are being mercilessly hunted down. I would imagine that having Jedi around would be mighty uncomfortable for smugglers and the like.. way too much heat. The Empire wouldn't blink an eye at wiping out the whole lot of them in order to kill a Jedi.
Personally i look forward to seeing it happen. It might take them a while but so long as they keep it dark and avoid like the plague any gungans i can see that it would work.

On the subject of Jedi i think that it is a safe bet that at some stage a jedi shows up. Disguised or otherwise and is killed by vader or boba or other main character.
In my opinion, Star Wars is not Star Wars without Jedi or Darth Vader.

Here's my idea.

Star Wars: The Jedi Purge

It's all about the Emperor and Vader hunting down and killing off all the remaining Jedi left off after ROTS. Maybe we get to see the use of bounty hunters (fett) being contracted to help find any renegade jedi.

That's all that most die hards wanted to see from the prequels anyway.
They could do it clone wars style where it could go on and on and on....
Isn't there 19 years worth of time between ROTS and ANH? That's a lot of real estate to develop stories on.

Still holding out hope one day for feature film sequels to ROTJ with an older Luke and maybe the emperor isn't really dead.

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Still holding out hope one day for feature film sequels to ROTJ with an older Luke and maybe the emperor isn't really dead.


They've done that in the comics a few times already.

And Mark Hamill is 60 years old. He looks like a fanboy.

Yeah, but in my opinion the quality/writing of all the EU stuff is awful.
I think he'd be great in a new feature.
Plus, I'd like to see him in an older jedi master obi-wan sort of role anyway. Not swinging from ropes. :)

I can see a jedi being one of the main characters throughout part of the series. I think that it would be great to see a grown Ahsoka and her inner termoil with Vader trying to get her to join him through talking to her via mindmeld and eventually a show down where he kills her. You could even start with her not knowing that Vader is Anakin and thinking that Anakin was killed with the rest. Unless there is already an end story for her that I am unaware of. She is the only jedi that you could have in the series without really crapping on the continuity. What do you think?

Im sorry but i cant stand McCallum
I cant hear him talk without the overwhelming smell of GL's **** on his breath.
that whole..."interview" is just one excuse after another.

its like hes giving answers to questions no one has asked.
He is explaining....excuse me..WHINING about how hard this show is but.......... i mean..... lets see a raise of hands; who even wants to SEE this show happen? personally i think between the things called "the prequels"... the cartoons and the bastardization that was the special editions..... star wars is pretty much been raped of anyting great it once was.
so please George.......... STOP!
Im sorry but i cant stand McCallum
I cant hear him talk without the overwhelming smell of GL's **** on his breath.
that whole..."interview" is just one excuse after another.

its like hes giving answers to questions no one has asked.
He is explaining....excuse me..WHINING about how hard this show is but.......... i mean..... lets see a raise of hands; who even wants to SEE this show happen? personally i think between the things called "the prequels"... the cartoons and the bastardization that was the special editions..... star wars is pretty much been raped of anyting great it once was.
so please George.......... STOP!

I have to agree. George has milked this cow so bad I'm surprised it's not dead. Is Star Wars all he knows? Why can't he just leave the franchise alone and move on to greener pastures?
Rick McCallum makes me LOL.

Between him and that ***** Julio Torres, Lucas sure knows how to pick out some good cronies.
I have to agree. George has milked this cow so bad I'm surprised it's not dead. Is Star Wars all he knows? Why can't he just leave the franchise alone and move on to greener pastures?

It would be fine for him to make more Star Wars movies, if he would just move on from his original characters.

There are other stories to be told in that universe beyond Darth Vader, C3PO and R2D2.

I am sure no one could previously imagine Star Trek without Kirk and the gang, but the Next Generation was great.

With all those planets there has to be other interesting stories besides what happens with the Skywalker family.
It's not in the can to begin with. They've got a lot written, and that's about it.

As for continuing in the SW universe, sure there's more besides the skywalker family, but why bother to set it in that timeframe. Jump way into the future or past. Do a bit on the beginning of the sith etc. Maybe something to allude to the 'at last we will have our revenge' line in TPM. It's all well and good you want your revenge - but for what? Supposedly getting you butt kicked in the past, but still, pretty vague line to be the main reason why the whole sage takes place to begin with.
I remember hearing about this show at C3 and think, how little I cared, and that was when I was a fan of star wars, to the point of even linking the PT. (not nearly as much as the OT, but I liked them ok.) Now, I just don't care about any of it at all.

between what they did with the cartoon, the comics, and the books, in the last 7 years or so, it has just gone way to dark for my personal taste. For those that love those things, great more power to you. Really I'm glad that there are still fans out there. I just find for me, that first the the darkness put me off the new books, cartoons, etc, and then it just kind of turned me against stat wars all together. For me it's all just too....... I don't know.

Plus, I'm just sick of seeing it everywhere. Most shows you watch from Comedies, to dramas, and every where in between bring Star wars up at some point. Same goes with movies. And toys, and games (board and video both) Books, comic books, aps, etc. And I'm not talking about just the licensed Star Wars merchandize, I'm talking about how it is referenced in all of these areas by other franchises. I sware I get a gag reflex every time I here Star Wars at this point. Yes, there was a TON of stuff out when I was a kid, but we got a breather in the late 80's early 90's. This time we have not got a breather in over 17 years. And what is there to look forward too. Crummy 3D re-releases, or re-releases, of re-releases, with one, or two miner changes. A series, that is destine to suck, and a bad cartoon that wont die. For the love of all that is entertaining, I wish that this franchise would die for a wile. You can't miss something that is never gone. It's just the same old stuff, over, and over, and over again.

And GL, k nows, he doesn't even have to try any more. Just slap that logo on anything, and make another few million. :(

Please, oh, please Mr. Lucas, hang it up for a good long wile, maybe for ever. Make way for something new.

for over 35 years, there has been nothing that blew folks minds the way the first star wars did. Ok, that's great, but it's also history. That lighting wont strike again, for GL, or anyone else. Let it go. Do something else, with one fixating on the past. These characters are old, tired, and played out, and the new ones, just feel like rip offs of the old ones.

Ok, Ok, no-one asked for my thoughts as usualy, and as usually my post will either be completely ignored, or I'll get a rant about how I'm wrong, even though all I have done is express my personal feelings, and I think I know my personally feels better then anyone else would, I'm sure there will be some jerk that thinks they can tell me what I feel. (because that is the kind of Jacka$$ery that goes on around here these days. :( )

There is no point at all in this post, just like there isn't one in this thread. So just move along, I post this for me, and me alone, because I need to, and if you don't like it, don't read it. :lol And this is all just my way of saying I wont watch this show if it ever does happen. That a rootcanal sounds like more fun to me, personally.

Oh, and if you really want something that entertains you, and tells a story you like. RIGHT YOUR OWN STORY. Don't expect for a second that anyone else will like it, but do it for you, and love every minute of it, and if anyone says they hate it, just tell them to right a story they like, and kiss your a$$.
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