Star Wars Live Action Series has 50 hours Filmed

If he wants to save money, he could go back to the found items and more intimate locations that made the OT so visually interesting. Cut out 90% of the stupid CGI to save 90% of the CGI budget...

Hauling a whole crew to Tunisia isn't exactly cheap either, nor advisable in the current climate in that particular country. Mind you, I would agree with the sentiment that having a real locale is an advantage over the CGI worlds of the prequels, but location shooting requires a whole hell of a lot of work, people, planning, and logistics.
The depth of some peoples ignorance of what it really take to make a TV show, get it on the air and keep it going is staggering.

It's so easy to say, write good characters and the show will flourish.

Wake up people.
via The Daily What, a new interview with Rick McCallum:
Star Wars TV series may shoot in Prague | Czech Position

“The TV series is on hold, but that has nothing to do with the Czech Republic; it has to do with [the episodes being] so ambitious,” McCallum told Czech Position. “We have 50 hours of third-draft scripts, but the problem we have is there is a lot of digital animation; we don’t have the technology yet to be able to do them at a price that is safe for television. Since we would be financing them, it would be suicide for us to do this [now]. So we are going to wait three or four years,” he said.


McCallum did reveal some of the basic storyline in the finished scripts. “It takes place between episodes three and four, when Luke Skywalker was growing up as a teenager, but it has nothing to do with Luke,” he said, adding that there is no young Luke Skywalker in any of the episodes. Episode three, “Revenge of the Sith” covers the time up until Luke’s birth. Episode four — the original “Star Wars” released in 1977, later called “A New Hope”— finds Luke at the start of his involvement with the Rebel Alliance.

“Basically, it is like ‘The Godfather’; it’s the Empire slowly building up its power base around the galaxy, what happens in Coruscant, which is the major capital, and it’s [about] a group of underground bosses who live there and control drugs, prostitution,” McCallum said.

For fans who want something in the meantime, McCallum also gave some details about the upcoming 3D versions of the existing Star Wars films. “We’re doing 3D versions of all six films, one a year, starting in February of next year. We start with [episode] one and go all the way through six, totally chronological,” he said. But the first one is a somewhat of a test. “One a year, if they work. If they don’t, then there will be just one [episode converted to 3D].”
That's the same link Willie posted via io9.

My boys tell me Lucas wants effects in every shot. That right there would make it cost-prohibitive as things are, don't you think?
Hardly surprising that they want to go into "riskier" territory with the scripts. The Clone Wars cartoons to keep the kids happy and the live series will draw in the adults. Given the critical success of "Game of Thrones" this "gritty" TV seems to be the way most series are going to hold onto their ratings (Sparatcus, Rome etc) and I for one would welcome it. "Keeping it real" is what made the original Star Wars stand out from every science fiction film that came before it. The Larrs gruesomely burned corpses and the bar fight lightsabred limbs made energy weapons seem satifyingly medieval again,as oposed to just slightly phasered bodies.
Not so keen on effects in every shot. Please take a leaf from "Game of Thrones" ,its a character driven story and its as difficult to predict and therefore very interesting as human nature usually is ( Tyrion Lannister anyone ?). If they are going this darker way then I'd preffer them to get this right as opposed to the effects. That just gets very boring very quickly.
So the high Australia dollar has killed interest in filming there then? The Czech Koruna makes it very cheap to film there and build sets, but its bloody cold in winter. Four or five years time? Avatars finished so there is plenty of freed mainframe but George will be in his seventies then. Can't see him wanting to travel that much ,and certainly not into a Mid European winter from sunny Cal.
One episode a year? Why not 2 a year and use the money for the tv show's budget? Any art (concept art at least) for the shows? since that much is done they should have at least one picture of something
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