Star Trek: Online - Anyone Play?

Sean Hebein

Sr Member
Well, being a trekkie, I finally picked up Star Trek Online and it is pretty fun in my opinion. It would be a lot more fun to have some more people so we could start up a fleet. If you are in the game, add me as a friend.

My handle is Hebination.
To be honest, I wish I could. Unfortunately I'm a bona fide Mac user and there isn't a Mac version around.
I joined up just about 3 weeks ago and have been having a blast playing. I do, however, attribute that as much to the fun of chatting with the guys in the fleet I'm in as the game itself, but it's still been great. I just got my science officer up to vice admiral the other night so there's a whole new realm of gameplay now open to me thanks to the STF missions.

My handle is NuruSekhmet if you want to run around some night. :)
I've been playing it for a while, and its fun, but it still seems like a generic MMO with tons of Trek References. The generic blow stuff up missions are the turn offs frankly. With a team its good, but still.

All in all they are still working and it gets better each update, so we'll see.
I saw the commercial for this and would love to give it a go, but between work, school, and having a new born, I'm afraid I'd never get anything done playing an MMO...

I saw the commercial for this and would love to give it a go, but between work, school, and having a new born, I'm afraid I'd never get anything done playing an MMO...


One of the great things about STO is you don't have to live for the game to get anywhere. On an average evening (about 4 hours), I averaged 2 levels a night up until I reached the Admiral levels at which point it slowed down a bit.
I used to play when it first came out. I stopped playing after I got to RA5.
It got too repetitive and most of the interiors and locations looked the same to me. Have they made any significant upgrades?
I used to play when it first came out. I stopped playing after I got to RA5.
It got too repetitive and most of the interiors and locations looked the same to me. Have they made any significant upgrades?

They are actually going to be releasing a significant upgrade where a lot of stuff is going to look different, plus they'll be putting in Romulans and Cardassians as playable races.
I use to do combat flight simulator 2 with group play and it was a frickin' blast. Have not really played anything since (yes I know that was a LONG time ago). I would be interested in maybe checking this out if it's not totally beyond me. Would a novice be able to enjoy this?
Anyone still playing this game?

I joined up a couple weeks ago with their free 2 play option. Been having a blast.

My handle is flynn@jfitzflynn
I joined up just about 3 weeks ago and have been having a blast playing. I do, however, attribute that as much to the fun of chatting with the guys in the fleet I'm in as the game itself, but it's still been great. I just got my science officer up to vice admiral the other night so there's a whole new realm of gameplay now open to me thanks to the STF missions

Holy cow!!!! I've been playing for almost five months and I'm barely Rear Admiral!!!!

Though I'm more of an occasional player...