Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

Don't remind me, I thought making my eyes water every 10 seconds during the 1 and only time I watched the '09 film was bad enough... But: Lens flares + Camera shake on Super 8 = Me with splitting headache :angry
Yep, nothing screams Star Trek about it.

It's like they are afraid showing something space related might turn off general audience who they are trying to woo to have mass appeal.
Yep, nothing screams Star Trek about it.

This is the second "Earth is in Danger!" poster in a row for this series. Remember the Independence Day themed poster one from the previous film?

Yeah along with US that poster was more extensively used for the international releases, but atleast it depicted an external force from space along with shuttle crafts in the background. But yeah still on Earth, probably not to distance new audience. This poster doesn't have anything space related, even the Star Trek title is less visible. Also not fond of Trek used as a verb in the title.

Despite its flaws, I really enjoyed the 2009 film. There wasn't much exploration into the unknown, yet I could excuse that as they were trying to first establish the crew dynamic for a new generation in a new movie and wanted to take it slow.

After reading the synopsis I am still hoping that this movie doesn't circle around the earth in peril situation again.
It's probably been said already but the rip in the building and the pile of rubble together make the Starfleet A symbol that's on all the duty uniform tunics.

That's why we're calling it a knock off of The Dark Knight posters, especially the Dark Knight Rises.
Special thanks to SalvorHardin over at Trekbbs for the image comparison.


I don't get it. Why do all these logos that represent good things always end up being shaped by mayhem and destruction? Shouldn't the logo represent the force that is causing it? Imagine if the villains were the Klingons and their logo was used instead. At least that would be more appropriate than using the delta shield.
This is probably my #1 favorite Star Trek poster of all time.


You got the nice unique version of the Delta Shield, you got Space, you got the Enterprise in warp and you have the subtitle "Boldly Go". Where else should Star Trek be other than out in space doing crazy Star Trek stuff?
My two cents.....I think that it is a character that has not been discussed before. The first film featured a changed time line.Who in the original stories could travel through time and space and had the technology to do pretty much what he wanted?.....Gary 7. This character if it is Kahn or Mitchell is very well dressed for the character. In the fight pics with Spock where Spock is fighting the character Spock seems to be getting the upper hand. Spock would not be able to best them as they are too strong and powerful.This new villain is well dressed and Gary 7 was a smooth dresser......Again, just my 2 cents. We will know soon enough.
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