Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

I can't see how anything in JJ's Universe will compare to the original "Interpretation" of Trek

They are two different animals

Looking into these rumors; they all trace back to two user on the IMDB boards. They appear to be pretty regular posters over there; one of them very obviously a rabid Cumberbatch fangirl. Doesn't mean they can't be telling the truth, but it makes sense that someone might take advantage of the anticipation and weave a yarn.

(Any one of us could have written that synopsis based on what is known and what is speculated.)

We will see.
Looks latter Next Gen style... which I disliked. Hated the Enterprise -E.

No surprise on the style. John Eaves was one of the designers for the film.

Looking into these rumors; they all trace back to two user on the IMDB boards. They appear to be pretty regular posters over there; one of them very obviously a rabid Cumberbatch fangirl. Doesn't mean they can't be telling the truth, but it makes sense that someone might take advantage of the anticipation and weave a yarn.

(Any one of us could have written that synopsis based on what is known and what is speculated.)

We will see.

The spoilers I posted here I got from a fan I knew was attending the premiere in Sydney; I messaged him for details about 15 minutes after the screening concluded. Everything he told me matches the IMDB info, so I'm pretty sure it's real.
Now that I think back at the trailer, this film isn't going to be subtle at all.

Admiral Marcus: Starfleet is not a Vendetta Kirk.
Kirk: Maybe it should be.
Admiral Marcus: Watch yourself Captain. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to my Dreadnaught class USS Vengeance.
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