Star Trek Into Darkness (Post-release)

Yeah. The "compare and contrast" duplication of the end-of-the-movie bridge scene annoyed me almost as much as the duplication of the WoK reactor scene.

Still disagree about Carol Marcus. Forget the name for a second. In the JJ Verse there's this idea of destiny (ugh), so Kirk better get to the baby making with her soon. I just think it'd be interesting if she stayed around in his life this time.

I think a big problem with Internet reviewing is that we get a little deconstructionist at times. It was a successfully made movie. I just wish it had that little extra oomph to really push it over the edge. If they don't wait another four years to make a follow up, I think we'll look back on it a bit more kindly than otherwise. It reminds me of Trek III in that regard. I don't think it makes a great standalone movie, regardless of Abram's intent. It definitely feels like a tweener to me.
Saw it last night, truly loved it. I think they were very respectable with their nods to old trek while attempting to give the new trek a life of it's own. I did still catch myself grumbling over the quick brewery shots, though it was still humorous(why), but thank goodness it looks more like a dang ship this time around. Spock's Kahn yell was a little strange, but I totally loved what they did to this movie. It seems a lot of folks didn't care for the death scene playing out mirrored to TWOK, but rather liked it. It's weird that for something that's been done before with a just a bit of a twist, can still pull you on bit and I found it rather moving, especially when you knew it was coming, so I think it was done nicely. Great Trek film! :) I saw it on IMAX and found out that the theater just got a new system where they're testing out the company's version of their own IMAX, it's like RMAX or RMX something like that. Heard there are some differences so I will go enjoy this movie once again and see which theater is better. No problem seeing this one multiple times.

*just had a thought that perhaps one of you can answer (better), but if older Spock recalls the whole ordeal with Khan, I get that it's AU, and perhaps this is what was being discussed a bit earlier in the thread, wouldn't Khan have been familiar with one Capt. JTK? Much like Nero, and the whole.. "I know your face.." (or did he with the whole "ah....Captain" bit)..or, is it simply that did they just throw the original out the window with the admiral waking him and ran with the AU timeline? I believe it's latter, but just curious.
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Got back a little bit ago. Had lots of fun with this one, no major gripes. Lens flare seemed a bit reined in, though it was still there whenever I started looking for it. Certainly better than the last, will get the blu ray when it comes out.
Well, I loved it.

First off, I was very happy to be completely spoiled for the story and the major plot points, characters, even the Kirk death scene. That might have been tough to take going in cold for me. I still find it curious why they felt the need to revisit the basics of this story, although this is a very different telling of it. The characters where terrific,all the actors were spot on perfect. I was charmed, engaged, invested in all the personal relationships. The movie was 100% perfect up until the Khan reveal and the return of Admiral Marcus. It took the focus off Khan and suddenly he and Kirk are having adventures together. Then we have the very clunky scene with Spock Prime which was clearly there for no other reason then to remind the audience that Khan is the bad guy. Once they get through that, the film picks back up for me and even though I was a concerned about the beat for beat death scene imitation, it played great because I cared and believed Kirk and Spock were that close.
Just got back, wasn't too bad. I'll need to mull it over more to decide how exactly I feel, but gut reaction was that it at least was fun. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this on a regular basis, even if it doesn't quite feel like Trek to me.

That said, the nods to WoK were bordering on cheesy to me. Spock's yell made me roll my eyes, I could have handled all the other recycling of WoK without that and been okay but that was a step too far for me. Nods are fine, but they went a little overboard on the plagiarism for my tastes. Hopefully the next film isn't a rehash of Voyage Home since there's no need to do Search for Spock.

I was a little surprised that they were almost shipping Carol with Bones instead of Kirk. I'm really surprised that they didn't do any flirting or hinting at them hooking up at all. The ham-fisted way they put Kirk's "These are the voyages" voiceover killed it for me too, why not just do it right before the credits like the last one instead of awkwardly shoehorning it into Pike's eulogy?

But damn, action-hero Spock was awesome to see. And Uhura did more than just answer the phones and be Spock's girlfriend. So it's not all bad at all :)
Yesssssss! Very good film with some GREAT nods to TOS.

KELVIN library
The MUDD incident
TOS Spock
Needs of the many...
"Nurse" Chapel
Dr. Marcus

TOS isn't coming back so lets enjoy what we have
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I always wondered why they didn't get someone with a slightly darker skintone to be Khan, i guess in this timeline he isn't from India.
Being not a die hard Trek fan...I really only have two complaints from a standard movie viewer's prospective. #1 - Old Spock was way too forced into the movie, and #2, "KHHHHAAAANNNNN" was a poor delivery. I think a better take could have been used...
Being not a die hard Trek fan...I really only have two complaints from a standard movie viewer's prospective. #1 - Old Spock was way too forced into the movie, and #2, "KHHHHAAAANNNNN" was a poor delivery. I think a better take could have been used...

Yeah, again all he seemed to do was remind the audience that Khan was the real bad guy, not Admiral Marcus. The KHHHAAAANNN! yell I was somewhat ambiguous towards. The emotion Spock showed as Kirk was dying gave him a pass to let loose, although it still seemed he should be equally pissed at Marcus.

- - - Updated - - -

Best Trek movie EVER!

Certainly right up there! Better then TWOK for me? No. Better then First Contact, close!
I liked that they didn't have Cumberbatch play Khan like an imitation of Montalbán. It seems like they took their inspiration for his character the way the original Space Seed plot treatment was written. His coolness and brutality made for an enjoyable take on a classic character.
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The ONLY thing that would've made this movie perfect?

If the last line had been, "Second star to the right..."

I was waiting for it & it just never happened. Seemed to me that it would have fit in so well.:unsure
A few little nitpicks (Enterprise is suddenly not only atmos-capable but also a submarine - wtf?

Never let science or any common sense stand in Abrams way.

Fry:"how many atmospheres can the ship withstand?"

Prof:"well, its a spaceship, so anywhere between 0 and 1."
I just wish JJA would stop making the Enterprise an atmo ship, it was made purely for space flight. The Enterprise is not designed for flying in atmo.

A few little nitpicks (Enterprise is suddenly not only atmos-capable

Reminder: JJA is not the first one to establish that the Enterprise can enter a planet's atmosphere. If the story calls for it, they do it whether its Abrams or Roddenberry.

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The Enterprise is a large ship, I'd have to watch that episode again, but I'm pretty sure they didn't actually enter atmo but entered the upper atmo. Besides it was only once they did this on TOS. Roddenberry tried to keep within the laws of physics with the ship. The TOS Enterprise was built in space. Nowt worse than building a ship on Earth, firing up the core only for it to explode. The devastation would be catastrophic.

Also you don't want to be taking off and have that thing fall back down due to a malfunction. Space is the only safe place to build a starship. Oh and the warp nacelles would shear off on take off, they weren't designed for atmo. In space you can build any shape you want cos there's no friction.

Yes I'm being picky but that's the only nitpick I have.

The ONLY thing that would've made this movie perfect?
If the last line had been, "Second star to the right..."
I was waiting for it & it just never happened. Seemed to me that it would have fit in so well.:unsure

I was expecting that as well. But it would have been too cheesy.