Star Trek Gary Seven McKinley Map


Master Member
Yep, I couldn't leave well enough alone.

After doing the ID cards, I just couldn't live without the map, since they are all created by the computer in one scene.

So I started it. There are only a couple of shots in the show and only one close up. So there will be a lot of interpretation here.

But here we are so far. Wish me luck.


And based on this:

The overall shape will be this. At 8" tall.


There are both a grid and fold lines, with the folds coming at one and a half grid squares per fold. Folded into eight sections. That gave me an overall shape based on the one close-up.

Comments or suggestions welcome.

There is a scale on the map but if you blow it up to 1" per scale block the map would be 15" tall and about 48 inches wide.

And no way it is that big.
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Great idea to do the map, too, mic. :love

And a neat bit of reasoning you used to figure out the dimensions. :thumbsup

The font you've used looks close, but the one on the screen-used map looks a bit thinner than the one on your replica-in-progress.

Also, strangely, the vertical grid line on the screen-used map immediately to the left of the "McKINLEY ROCKET BASE" text extends all the way down the bottom of the paper. The corresponding line on your replica ends at the horizontal line that stretches across the bottom of the map. I think your version makes more sense and the little bit of extra on the screen-used map may have been a mistake.

Looking forward to seeing the map grow!
Wow! The font looks dead-on to me now.

And you fixed the vertical line, too.

Looking very good, mic. :love


Are you sure that the boxes in the bottom row of the grid are so rectangular? They aren't closer to being squares like the other boxes above them?
:lol I was watching "Assignnment Earth" last night and were wondering when you were going to tackle this! :lol
I was hoping the map was based on a real coastline in Florida, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

I think I can get enough from these grabs.









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how is this project comming along? that was one of my favorite ST episodes, always wish it had made it as its own series :(
Been too busy looking for a job to spend time on this. It'll happen......someday.

It only took me eight years to do the ID cards.
Needs a little more space between the scale and blocks at the very bottom and the horizontal line below it.
Great so far!

Good luck with the job search.
Dredged this up from the depths.

Here's some progress.


Suggestions?!? I want to take out the sharp points in the overall land mass.
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Cool! Love the obscure stuff.

I think the box of symbols at the lower right needs tweaking. Here is my attempt at removing the perspective from the screengrab (and blown up 400%):


As you can see, the straight-edged symbols all line up with each other, in that little boxes could be drawn around the groupings. The only thing that extends beyond those boundaries is the round one.
I looked at the same kind of map of Cape Canaveral before it became Kennedy and back again. I actually managed to piece together each "fold" in a screengrab and got a pretty good idea the kinds of stuff on the map. But the actual words are mostly conjetcure, based on the Canaveral stuff. I figured every "missile base" would have a VAB.

I know a lot of map have a series of numbers which are depths in the sea, spread over the open ocean. Do you think it has those? I sort of see them but it may jaut be a gray gradation in the map.

I also think there is a written in the middle of the "Gulf", like Gulf of Something. I certainly can't tell what is says.

So let's make up the name. Gulf of Roddenberry?

I need a name. Gulf of Sheppard? Kennedy? Canaveral? Glenn? Austin?

And what does is say above the word Command on the one good close-up.

I put Flight Command but that doesn't sound right.
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