Star Trek: Enterprise Universal Translator


Well-Known Member
Enterprise is one of my favorite ST series and it went way before its time. I missed out one of these in the Junkyard a few weeks back so I decided to make a couple on my own. Pretty easy build-up, actually. Most of you probably know they are made out of toilet bowl cleaners.

Here are some thumbnails.

Thanks for looking.
That's really cool and nicely done. I had no idea these were made from toilet bowl cleaners.

I just hope they were new toilet bowl cleaners.
Nice build and great story:thumbsup. I agree with you about the show as well. Brent Spiner stated the same in an interview way back, that he felt the show was just coming into it's own, and got canceled way to soon.
These are made from toilet bowl cleaners????

Yep, toilet bowl cleaners.


It's basically a piece of plastic with a removable back that houses two magnets. Apparently these are magical magnets that keep your bowl clean. It's a total con job on the environmentalists :lol
I had no idea that these were made from (fake) toilet bowl cleaners! That's hilarious!

Nice build and great story:thumbsup. I agree with you about the show as well. Brent Spiner stated the same in an interview way back, that he felt the show was just coming into it's own, and got canceled way to soon.
And look what we got instead.
If they were made from toilet bowl cleaners, then why weren't they able to translate what the blue cleaning discs in the tank were saying?? WHY?

Cool prop, by the way.
Two more seasons and Trip not dying... or at least not finding out that Trip dies until he dies. Thanks a lot Troi for the spoiler earlier in the show!
I'm having flashbacks of that "finale" makes JJ-Trek look passable by comparison.