ST Tricorder info


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of trying to use a cnc machine to create a tricorder (tng style) using a cnc machine, but finding good resources on specs and such seem pretty difficult. does anyone have any tips on this or suggestions on resources to investigate? thanks in advance. sells TNG tricorder kits ('not sure which one you're looking for exactly). I would think your best bet would be to either purchase one, do a quick build (the main components are fairly simple and build up quickly), and use that for reference, or find someone who has already built one.

There's probably also loads of people sitting on kits that they will never build. When you have access to the junkyard, I encourage you to start a "Want to buy" thread, and ask for a tricorder.

The great news is that over the years, direct copies of screen used or made-for-production kits have hit the collector market. Heck, the kits on come straight from the good folks who made them for the show, so you will not get any more accurate than that.

Going this route will save you a ton of time developing your own model, which may turn out to be not as accurate.

Either way, keep us posted, and above all else... post pics!
I have a spare PM hollow tricorder body that I would be happy to pass on to you.
I've got three functional PM tricorders, and this is a complete body that I could either model in 3d and give you specs, of you could have it and do it yourself. Just keep in mind the PM tricorder is smaller than the screen ones.
thanks all for the input, I am searching for specs and measurements at the moment to make a model.. If I am successful, I will share the 3d model with rpf. Anyone with info on specs, ect would be appreciated though...