ST tricorder clear up


Sr Member
ok can u guys clear it up for me....

the Mark IX and the Mark X tricorders.... what shows are they from officially?? I am all confused about which tric from what show! Thanks!
Yeah, the Mark X was a medical tricorder. It had a removable scanner and the display screen showed a person on it.


The Mark IX was a science tricorder that had the light up graph graphics.


I believe the Mark IX was introduced in First Contact, and then like the uniforms made it's way into the last seasons of DS9.

The funny thing was that Voyager went to the Delta Quadrant using the Mark VII's and miraculously they turned into IX and X's with no contact with Starfleet.
Yea, same with the phasers, they started with the cobrhead's and ended with the boomerangs, the only thing thats wasent upgraded were the uniforms

The funny thing was that Voyager went to the Delta Quadrant using the Mark VII's and miraculously they turned into IX and X's with no contact with Starfleet.
As far as I know... there was no VIII... although, there was an unusual one used by Dax in "Blood Oath." That may have been a VIII... I don't think I've ever seen any close ups of it though. It had a larger display screen.

They went to Mark XI for Nemesis... it wasn't the most impressive looking prop.
There was also the Mark XV "29th century tricorder" used in Voyager.

Technological innovations must have been few and far between in the 500 or so years between Nemesis and the 29th century for there to have only been four more updates in tricorder design. :rolleyes