SS TOS gear down BSG viper


Sr Member
Since there is nothing like beating a subject to death...a WIP, SS gear down viper....This has been a long brewing project, and the parts have been done for a while, so as i am gearing up for spring and multiple other projects I will be squeezing this in, hopefully before WF, kit parts are about 85% correct, but with lack of good ref a lot of made up stuff from the usual suspect donors.....
Great job on the research: 85% really represents a high water mark in accuracy and dedication in building a studio scale prop. Really amazing!

Thanks, i should have been more specific, the landing gear and bays is about 85%, the rest of the ship is pretty well id'd. There is little to no ref on the bays for the gear, that i have ever seen anyway, so i needed to fudge those...
Well, that certainly is even more impressive. I do consider model building an art form, and I really enjoy seeing its progression. I hope, when you have time, that you will post even more pictures showing the landing gear in place.

Fantastic work, Mike.
I have Mikes original viper kit (in flight configuration) and it is awesome. It is far better than all the previous kit versions that have been available from other producers.
It looks like this kit will be even better! I am looking forward to it and I am in for (at least) one.
Looks correct to all the ref I have Mike. Nice job! The bays were not (as far as I know) detailed, but it's better to have the model have detailed bays. Well done!