Spike costume and Make up help needed.


Sr Member
Ok, I'm thinking of doing a Spike costume, and I need some help getting it right, so here are some of my questions.


Is this a good place to buy my Spike coat? Also, does anyone know how long they take to make a custom one. (I've ask but haven't got an answer, so I thought if any of you have ordered from them, you could tell me.)



Where should I get the contacts, and what kind should I get? Also, I've never done contacts before (it actually kind of freaks me out) so how do you put them in, and more importantly how do you get them out?


Don Post, is on back order, but they have the Spike forehead application, in both latex ($10), and foam latex.($29.) Is it really worth the extra money for the foam latex?

Also, what should I use to attache it, and what kind of make up should I use on it to make it match my skin?


The Scare crow brand vampire teeth look good to me, what do you all think?

<div class='quotetop'>(jason1976 @ Oct 27 2006, 10:01 AM) [snapback]1345820[/snapback]</div>
Ok, I'm thinking of doing a Spike costume, and I need some help getting it right, so here are some of my questions.


Is this a good place to buy my Spike coat? Also, does anyone know how long they take to make a custom one. (I've ask but haven't got an answer, so I thought if any of you have ordered from them, you could tell me.)



Where should I get the contacts, and what kind should I get? Also, I've never done contacts before (it actually kind of freaks me out) so how do you put them in, and more importantly how do you get them out?


Don Post, is on back order, but they have the Spike forehead application, in both latex ($10), and foam latex.($29.) Is it really worth the extra money for the foam latex?

Also, what should I use to attache it, and what kind of make up should I use on it to make it match my skin?


The Scare crow brand vampire teeth look good to me, what do you all think?


I'm not certain about all of your stuff, but if you have a make-up artist friend who knows how to apply a foam latex applicance, it is totally worth it.
A normal latex appliance does not flex as much and will wrinkle in funny spots as you move as well as just looking rubbery...
The foam latex applicance will glue down to your skin entirely and moves alot more natural and will wrinkle where you do and where you flex it.
IF you dont have a friend who can do it, be sure to get Prosthetic Adhesive for it and even thought I dont care for rubber mask grease paint (or latex mask cover) it's easy to use and easy to apply on your own face. That should at least get you started....

Any chance you could pass along a link for the foam latex version of the spike application? All I've seen around is the cheaper version.
<div class='quotetop'>(jason1976 @ Oct 27 2006, 05:01 AM) [snapback]1345820[/snapback]</div>
Ok, I'm thinking of doing a Spike costume, and I need some help getting it right, so here are some of my questions.[/b]

Hope that this wasn't for Halloween this year, because then I'd be a tad late :) . But I'll try to provide what I can for you...

<div class='quotetop'>(jason1976 @ Oct 27 2006, 05:01 AM) [snapback]1345820[/snapback]</div>

Where should I get the contacts, and what kind should I get? Also, I've never done contacts before (it actually kind of freaks me out) so how do you put them in, and more importantly how do you get them out?[/b]

I tried to take a screenshot for you, and this is what I got:


It looks to be a very simple type of lens, just a basic yellow. IIRC, this style was used for all vampires in the series.

Anywho, did some searching, and remembered the company 9mm Special Effects. I have never ordered from them personally, but I've heard good things.

I found these lenses by them: Link. They look to be the right color, but the diameter appears to be a tad small when compared with the lenses from the series. They do custom work, so if you have the funds, you may want to go with those which have a larger diameter.

And this may help you in regards to insertion/removal of lenses: http://www.allaboutvision.com/faq/contactlens.htm

<div class='quotetop'>(jason1976 @ Oct 27 2006, 05:01 AM) [snapback]1345820[/snapback]</div>

Don Post, is on back order, but they have the Spike forehead application, in both latex ($10), and foam latex.($29.) Is it really worth the extra money for the foam latex?

Also, what should I use to attache it, and what kind of make up should I use on it to make it match my skin?[/b]

By all means, go with the foam latex. The effect is much better, and it's a LOT more comfortable.

As an example... this is me at age 17 in a foam latex appliance (a smaller version is what I use for my avatar):


This picture was taken after having worn the makeup for over twelve hours. So it holds up well over time and movement.

I used medical adhesive to attach it, which is essentially the "super glue" of makeup adhesives. The bond is strong and almost instantaneous, and lasts for a very long time. It requires its own solvent to remove it, but the results are, again, worth it. Another good adhesive is called Pros-Aide, and I believe it is latex-based. Stong stuff, and cheaper than medical adhesive in most cases. Doesn't hold up to sweat quite as well, but it does its job.

As for makeup itself, greasepaint is the way to go. It looks better, but also.. cream makeups actually break down the foam rubber.

<div class='quotetop'>(jason1976 @ Oct 27 2006, 05:01 AM) [snapback]1345820[/snapback]</div>

The Scare crow brand vampire teeth look good to me, what do you all think?

I generally don't like the scarecrow brand as much myself. Some swear by it, but I am not all that much of a fan. I mentioned in another thread that Dnash at www.teethbydnash.com makes the "Angelus" style. But if you're looking for something a tad more economical, then I'd recommend Dracula Fangs. I've owned several pairs of this brand before. Delightfully sharp, and set in place with thermoplastic. I am horrible about losing my fangs, but every time I purchase more, this is the brand I go for.

Hope this helped :)
cant comment on the makeup or the teeth, but i do know that spikes coat was a custom job. it wasnt an off the shelf item.

the one you linked to looks pretty cool though.

Thanks gang. I'm doing the costume for a convention on the 27th of this month, so I still have time.

The coat I linked to is custom made for each customer, and was made to look like spikes, so it's not "off the shelf". The bad news is that I heir they can take over 2 months to make one for you. :( If that's true there's no way I would have it in time.

The (Possibly) good news, is I found someone on ebay, that had one of those coats made a few years ago, and I won his auction about a week ago. The coat should be here in a few days. (Plus I got it for $70. shipped. :) ) The only possible problem would be the size. I wasn't able to get the seller to tell me the exact measurements. What measurements he gave me would fit, but if there a little off, it could be too small. :(

So, I'm going to wait for the coat to get here, and if it fits, I'll scramble to pick up all the makeup, and stuff, and do the costume. If the coat doesn't fit, I'll sell it here, and go as something else.

BTW, where can I get "medical adhesive"?

Don't know if you ordered your contacts yet. But if you have never worn contacts before than you would need to go to your local walmart and make an appointment to see the optomitrist and have them measure you for lenses. Unfortunately the colored lenses are a bit pricey about 40-60 a lens and are thicker than the disposable lenses and you will definetely feel them. Here is a link to a site that sells different lenses.
Putting them in is very easy. Just make sure you have very clean hands You would hold down the lower eyelid with one hand and use your pointer finger with the contact lens on the end to put it in your eye. You would remove it almost the same way but instead of using just your first finger you would pinch it out. My son has been wearing contacts since he was 10 so they are very easy.

Hope that helps.