Has anyone tried to create the spaceship from the movie Sphere? I did an RPF and Google search and couldn't find anything about anything from that movie, except reviews.
I did find some photos of the studio prop habitat model, but nothing for the spaceship.
Here's a LINK to some stills, but nothing of the ship. Maybe they kept it out of the press kits to protect the payoff.
Then, when the movie tanked, nobody cared, so nothing else came out.
On a side-note, I was doing press junkets at the time and got to interview Hoffman and Jackson, and they were giving the reporters the usual press kit stuff (novels, hats, t-shirts) but they were also giving out screen-used squid eggs
Most people looked at this lump of silicone like it was a big booger-wad, but me? I was pretty happy. There's nothing like a free prop.
According to http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/sphere_early.html (an early script by the screenwriter) the ship is the "USS Star Voyager." Not overly inspired... I gave the book away some time ago, so I can't say that the name was Crichton's invention or not.