Space Above and Beyond


Well-Known Member
The armor the Marines wear on the ground looks like some kind of hockey padding? is this the case? and what did they do to modify it?
Originally posted by TD5422@Feb 3 2006, 08:49 PM
The armor the Marines wear on the ground looks like some kind of hockey padding? is this the case? and what did they do to modify it?

Bauer Air Flak

Just painted the red trim black and remove all words (if any) on armor. They added velcro to cover up some of the words
Originally posted by TD5422@Feb 21 2006, 08:12 PM
anyone making the pistol or rifle?

You can buy the screen-used ones from Prop Store of London.
Just to keep a thread no one else is interested in :p

Does anyone know the patch the tank driver in pearly is wearing on his right sleeve? under the earth flag?
I believe it's a standard US AirForce/Navy flightsuit in Sage Green. You can find them all over the internet.
Originally posted by docholl@Mar 2 2006, 07:26 PM
I believe it's a standard US AirForce/Navy flightsuit in Sage Green. You can find them all over the internet.
