Sources for Obi Wan ANH lightsaber reference?


Sr Member
Ok, I've had Chronicles for a few years and have just picked up Mechanismo.

There is one other image of the saber which matches the style of the Mechanismo pic(same shoot possibly), but is of the other side(showing the transistors). Where did this image originally come from?

Oh... and are there any other images out there?
Thanks. :)

I'm actually looking for that untrimmed/unaltered image. :)

Is the untrimmed image featured anywhere?


Does anyone want a 300 DPI Mechanismo pic?
A version of the untrimmed pic may have come from the "Behind the Magic" CD, but the bits and pieces we usually see seem to be taken from a larger hi-res image, which just a few people have but don't share 'cause they or their source signed a Non-Disclosure.

Oh yes, let's have the 300 dpi, I think I've got one that shows the print dots already but what the heck. :D

I wish there was a better resolution version of the Mechanismo pic somewhere, that would help a lot.
Here ye go :)

Ooh hey, the resolution's better on that one than what I have, thank you. How do you feel about the contrast--do you think anything's gone missing in the shadows due to the low contrast?

Thank you..
Great pics guys...
Wow, I have never seen the full pic of the newish Tunisia shoot...just the half way shot.
Great reference.
Originally posted by Sporak@Mar 14 2006, 06:16 AM
Great pics guys...
Wow, I have never seen the full pic of the newish Tunisia shoot...just the half way shot.
Great reference.

I agree that the newish Tunisia shot is great. Plus it shows the two washers with the two transistors.
Originally posted by Serafino@Mar 13 2006, 11:28 PM
Ooh hey, the resolution's better on that one than what I have, thank you.  How do you feel about the contrast--do you think anything's gone missing in the shadows due to the low contrast?

Thank you..

Not necessarily hidden in the shadows... except maybe the section of the booster which goes into the handwheel.

It also looks as though the cotter pin from the booster may still be there(opposite the bubbles) and for whatever reason it does appear the base of grenade body is larger than the opening of the graflex band, and the grenade has been "forced" into place, thus the dents(and the deformation of that edge).
I think what you're seeing as the 'cotter pin' is just the a wire going into the clamp, you can see it in the 'end view' here and also see how its position relates to the 'Mechanismo' view.


I can't agree about the grenade--you can see it's smaller than the interior of the clamp. This also shows clearly in the 'transistor' view. Factor out the clamp wall thickness and there’s still plenty of room for the grenade. I think if anything, that area was ‘crimped in an attempt to make the grenade fit more tightly, but I don’t particularly buy that idea either.
Originally posted by Gytheran@Mar 14 2006, 11:06 AM
Well, in any case, that edge of the clamp flares outward. :)

Doh. Yes it does, good eye. I'd guess that's from the rough treatment we know about, as bent as it is in those final pictures, it was probably bent worse and straightened out afterwards.
I don't know... the damage isn't as bad on the "composite" side, and while it does look like it's been deformed (and re-formed?), I see a white highlight on top of the clamp in the Mechanismo photo, which may be contributing to the flared look.

Beautiful scan. Thanks for sharing. :)

Haven't all the bits been found? Surely there's nothing left to debate. :lol

Seriously, every grenade I've ever seen fits quite easily inside the clamp, so having to force it in isn't really an issue. Could the flares be a few remaining strips of mylar tape that are peeling off? The clamps are made from steel, to do the kind of damage that appears in the pic would require more than a few drops onto something hard, and possibly a hammer too.
Originally posted by Hez@Mar 15 2006, 01:33 PM
The clamps are made from steel, to do the kind of damage that appears in the pic would require more than a few drops onto something hard, and possibly a hammer too.
Unless the grenade worked as a lever, maybe ... We don't know anything about what held the saber together, but we know the prop was dropped at least once.
Actually, we know it was dropped on the desert floor once, and on presumeably padded cloak--how many times? ;)
I meant to post the full resolution of this, I guess I haven't yet. :)

This is the SECOND obi saber in all its glory. :D

I guess I didn't realize that there are two of these! And the above is considered to be the second version and not a pre-chronicles shot?
I guess I didn't realize that there are two of these! And the above is considered to be the second version and not a pre-chronicles shot?

The above was from the Tunisia photo. It was used in filming for sure.

Are we 100% positive that the Chronicles/Mechanismo saber was in fact used on screen? I've always assumed so and just took it as a fact.

Also, was the grenade photo that always shows up proven to ever have been used?
