Source Code

Re: Source Code Trailer

Definitely another ripoff of Quantum leap, but I don't care at all. I want to see this one for sure.
Re: Source Code Trailer

Actually from the title and the setup we're given I'm thinking the entire thing takes place in a computer. That is, think "The Matrix" except none of the characters have a "real" body somewhere. I'd hate to be right about that. :eek

My only problem with it is the name. Seriously, calling the film "Source Code", and there's nothing about computer programming in it? Obviously, that's a problem for me.
Vera Farmiga's character mentions in the trailer that Source Code is a computer program.

But a source code ISN'T a computer program. A source code is: Code written by a programmer in a high-level language and readable by people but not computers. Source code must be converted to object code or machine language before a computer can read or execute the program.

Basically, its the "genes" of a computer program that a programmer can manipulate to turn into a computer program.
Source code must be converted to object code or machine language before a computer can read or execute the program.[/I]

Basically, its the "genes" of a computer program that a programmer can manipulate to turn into a computer program.
Right, maybe the movie title Source Code is a code name for their program not intended to mean as an actual source code in the classic sense, but still the technology portrayed in the movie likely involves the principals of having an core structure that supports their computer program.
The title's obviously a reference to the real world being the source of all the computer-driven time-travel flim-flammery. Lt. Jake Gyllenalphabet is the monkey in the wrench. Have you people never seen a film before? :lol
Re: Source Code ***SPOILERS***


I saw Source Code today and really enjoyed it. Yes, it has elements of Groundhog Day and Quantum Leap combined but had an interesting conclusion to the story.

***SPOILER*** There is a direct connection to Quantum Leap with Scott Bakula suppling a voice over as the main characters father.

Randy in San Diego
My parents and I saw it earlier today. We all enjoyed it. This is the second film made by David Bowie's son that I like (the first one was Moon). Honestly, I liked this film because it wasn't an action movie or a straight forward Sci-Fi movie (as the trailers obviously overemphasized). But it is strictly a drama first, with action and sci-fi riding shotgun (much like Moon, which was drama first and sci-fi second).
is this considered a SPOILER?:)

great movie. the best thing about it (is this considered a SPOILER?) is that it really conveys the feeling of one last chance to live your life. intense.
i really enjoyed the movie. I thought the contantly reliving the same 8 min would get annoying but they handled it well. Even my usually jaded non-sci fi friend liked it.