Sometimes I have to just say it...he's beautiful!!!


New Member
Sweet sun send me the moon. Empty the skies out and bring me one step closer to you, I watch from the ground as the gold fluttered down. I'd move darkness to light to be near you, and I will breathe in and out until you come into view. Distance can't take what is hidden safe in my heart.

I know this may bother some people, but I'm not saying anything derogatory. I just felt like expressing myself tonight. I do think the city hunter is beautiful, I also like everything about the Yautja. I make it a point to learn everything I can about them. I have also written a story about the city hunter, it's nothing dirty, just an idea I had. If you are interested in reading it pm me and I will send you a link.
would you go on a date with me if I dressed up as P2 pls respond
As sweet as you are Benson...I only date Yautja. I would drag myself over fire and broken glass to be with my City Hunter. I would fight the world...and win just to touch him. I'm waiting for him to slide his big body down to Florida so we can re create 50 shades together. He gets the air from my lungs and my love and devotion, I will never bend or break waiting for him, he is all I want.
As sweet as you are Benson...I only date Yautja. I would drag myself over fire and broken glass to be with my City Hunter. I would fight the world...and win just to touch him. I'm waiting for him to slide his big body down to Florida so we can re create 50 shades together. He gets the air from my lungs and my love and devotion, I will never bend or break waiting for him, he is all I want.
Ehhh... mama, why am i a human?:(
Ehhh... mama, why am i a human?:(
We go way back Jmen...and if I had a dollar for every guy who told me he was an "alien"...but my beautiful mother the dreamer always told me nothing was impossible. I'm a dreamer, and I always dream of City
As sweet as you are Benson...I only date Yautja. I would drag myself over fire and broken glass to be with my City Hunter. I would fight the world...and win just to touch him. I'm waiting for him to slide his big body down to Florida so we can re create 50 shades together. He gets the air from my lungs and my love and devotion, I will never bend or break waiting for him, he is all I want.

I would dress up as P2 and rip the still beating heart out of a Xenomorph Queen, rip the head off of a T-Rex, kick Paul Waste of Space Anderson in the place where balls would normally be and get you safely to da choppa' just to smell your hair as you walk by me. I know some Yautja and let me tell you, none of them would do that.
He is, his look, his weapons, his armor. It's a shame they don't make a movie telling his real story! Because in that one he survives!!!!
I agree. He is unique. And yes I'm also waiting for that kind of movie. I just hope, that the new movie will be less cruel to predators.
I agree. He is unique. And yes I'm also waiting for that kind of movie. I just hope, that the new movie will be less cruel to predators.
It's completely ridiculous that any human could ever beat a predator. The only way Arnold did it was to "cheat", he couldn't do it with his bare hands. And harrigan????? Don't get me started. He was a joke, weak AF. And even though I'm not a fan of the way avp preds looked, Lex it irritated me the entire movie. All she did was scream and cry, and her snot was flying all over the place. The only reason I did like it was because it actually has some of Yautja history to it. And yes, the predators deserve to be shown more respect in the new movie. I'm just very exited to see what Shane comes up with, because if he messes it up, the predator franchise is over. So much could be done with the predators, and I can't explain how much I'm exited for the new movie!!!
I would dress up as P2 and rip the still beating heart out of a Xenomorph Queen, rip the head off of a T-Rex, kick Paul Waste of Space Anderson in the place where balls would normally be and get you safely to da choppa' just to smell your hair as you walk by me. I know some Yautja and let me tell you, none of them would do that.
That's some proposition;) but I don't want to get on da choppa....I want on the clan ship. But maybe you are the City Hunter? Just making sure I'm behaving myself while he's hunting...
City Hunter is pretty and all.... but I want to party with his ship buddies..... They look like they know how to really let their dreads down. ;)

City Hunter is pretty and all.... but I want to party with his ship buddies..... They look like they know how to really let their dreads down. ;)

Take any of the lost hunters you want queen...City is always busy anyway;) I'm sure you can get the rest to fall right in line!
That's some proposition;) but I don't want to get on da choppa....I want on the clan ship. But maybe you are the City Hunter? Just making sure I'm behaving myself while he's hunting... View attachment 132129

Well, I have some good news for you. I was at a gas station orbiting Jupiter and I saw the clan ship, so I boarded it, car jacked them while they were on the fueling station and brought it back here to earth. I don't know how to read Predator so I crashed the ship, but this is good news, because it can now be our house. Yes, that's right. You don't want to see the me, we're going to have to refurnish the place.

BENSIN....why can't I see your profile??????????

No idea, I don't think it's private, can you even set it to private?
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