Some sculptures I have been working on...


Well-Known Member
I like to sculpt..a lot. So instead of breaking them up into individual posts and taking 2 hours to put everything up, I figured I would just cram it all in here.

I'll start with the Phoenix which is a WIP...well...I think all of my sculpts are WIP at this point, but still.

So this all started with a digital painting I did of the Phoenix entity from X-Men.
phoenix sun painting.jpg

I then decided to sculpt it in 3D...

phoenix sculpt day 2.jpg

After doing so I realized that I really liked that transparent look but I wanted that to represent the flames so I reworked my sculpt to add in more feather detail and to sit inside the form that represents the flames which gave me this...

phoenix sculpt day 3.jpgphoenix sculpt day 3 back.jpg

I still have a lot of little feather detailing to go on the main body, but I like where it is going.

And what Phoenix entity is complete without a Jean Grey bent on the destruction of the Cosmos? So I began sculpting on a Jean Grey figurine to be displayed in front of the Phoenix entity...

jean test.JPG A lot of hair to go...oh and a body...

I also am working on a Sentinel Cosplay but I want some little X-men to interact with so I sculpted a Wolverine which I will print and then cast in a flexible Urethane around a poseable "skeleton"...

Wolverine final.jpg

I forgot to add one of my favorites that I am working on...The Batman

Day 5 play around.jpg

Okay, and I think this is the last thing I'll show here for now...

I have had this idea to build 3D sculptures of famous comic book covers for a while now...and what cover is more famous than Action Comics #1
This is a fairly intricate model which I don't think a 2D pic will do so I've linked to my youtube account to show it.

Alright, that is enough for now I think. Hope you enjoyed...
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I've been doing a little more work on these. Especially the Batman sculpt. I finally got my 3d printer replaced so I can start up on production again. I broke the Bat....down into multiple pieces. 1. So I can make him into a massive action figure. 2. So I can make him into a not as massive sculpture.

Here is the 3d model for his head with the cowl on...

batman head sculpt.JPG

and here's the 3d print at about 4 inches tall...


I still have a lot of smoothing to do on him to get him ready for casting, but I like how he turned out.

Just to add to the party I have the Bruce Wayne head sculpt for switchable heads as well...

bruce wayne head sculpt.JPG

I also made some little props for him...

grapple.JPGbatarang cast.JPG

I'm having these print on a better printer than mine though. I'll be able to make a mold in silicone from the batarang plate and make multiples of that hopefully.

I also have done a little more work on my Action Comics #1 3D comic book cover...

action comic no1 day 7.jpg
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