So I watched Blade.....

I liked them all. They aren't high art, but they're good movies. What makes it work is they actually got someone who is a martial artist to play the part. I can't stand when they try to fake it with an actor and give him a few weeks training. It looks totally BS and anyone who has taken martial arts can instantly tell how sloppy they are. That's partially why the Blade TV show didn't work because they always cut away to a stunt guy whenever Blade fought.
Jessica Biel is in the third, and Blade more or less drives a Charger sometimes (I think they had problems keeping it running) that's all I remember...But I think I liked the first one when it first came out (haven't watched it since, and I was 19...)
The opening to Blade where he is in that vampire club is one of my favorite scenes ever.


Thing with movies is, in my opinion, if you don't experience it while it's still relevant, you can kinda miss what's good about it sometimes. I think it's like that a little bit like with films like Clash of the Titans or the Last Starfighter. Yeah, they're basically b-films and not "masterpieces"... the f/x get outdated fast... but they do strike a chord with some folks and sometimes become fan faves.

Blade isn't the greatest film ever made by ANY stretch but the vampire rave scene was freaking awesome. There hadn't been anything quite like it that I had seen when it came out. You can't throw a rock without hitting something like it now that vampire films are a dime-a-dozen.

I like the movie a lot myself. Saying Ghost Rider is better... man... Ghost Rider was bad the day it came out. I'm fanatical about superhero films and even *I* don't like Ghost Rider. Blade was received better when it came out than Ghost Rider. I don't think you'll find any reviews calling it an "instant classic" but it WAS better received for what it's worth.

Rotten Tomatoes shows Ghost Rider at 26% and Blade at 55% which seems like a pretty fair comparison to me.
I saw a vampire movie on the other day that reminded me of the world of Blade only this movie was done a heck of a lot better - It starred Sam Neil (the most underrated and one of the greatest actors living today) and Ethan Hawke - The whole world population have been turned into vampires and they are running out of blood, they either need a cure for Vampirism or a workable synthetic blood for consumption - it was really good in my opinion - can't remember the name.

I think I netflixed that one... Good idea and some great sequences but the execution didn't really bowl me over for whatever reason. Same with Priest. I believe that same basic storyline from Daybreakers (after vampires have taken over) was initially planned for Blade 3 wasn't it? Always thought it'd be a good idea for a Blade film and then they made Blade 3. Ugh. Now, Ghost Rider was definitely better than Blade 3.
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