Snowtrooper Commander Costume (de)Construction

If anyone needs the armor, I make it all ; )


Any Idea on the blaster Mr. Laws?

Do you have any pics of your commander suit being worn by someone??? :cool
Very interesting.

So it looks like the Veers Helmet might actually have the "high-detail disk with notch" after all, unless that screen cap is playing tricks with my eyes. Or at least a solid disk with a notch. This is hard to figure out as most all the research on these types of helmets shows the disk to be a solid style (no outer grooves) with a larger center hole as well.

And yeah, the disk on the Snow Commander look to be thinner. Your guess on a 2 stepper sounds good to me. Probably the same diameter as the other disk. you have any for the SC helmet?

...and yes, MR.LAWS' SC helmet is a work of art!

I have one and it's one of my favourite pieces in my collection!
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Nope, no Disk yet for the SC helmet. This is the first I have looked into it really, been busy with cons and such. But yes, I might go ahead and do a run of these if we can nail down the size and shape in time.
Nope, no Disk yet for the SC helmet. This is the first I have looked into it really, been busy with cons and such. But yes, I might go ahead and do a run of these if we can nail down the size and shape in time.

That'd be great!

OK...we have to nail this then....
I had a 501st member Email me about this outfit as he has also been researching it, and here are his opinions (might have already been covered):

The red and blue caps ARE rank bars as per Veers.

The armour ISN'T the same as the regular trooper its a white version of Veers armour and the Commander wears the same boots / gloves as the At AT driver with upside down should bells from the At At Driver.

He carries a DL 44 with a side mounted scope the same as Han Solo in the same film.

Found out this stuff as I'm busy researching this costume to build at the moment.
Thanks Jax.

I threw together a chest and back to give you an idea of what they should look like:




Ken and I are talking about the helmet discs right now. I don't check PMs very often so your best bet is just to email me.

Amazing Dan! That wouldn't happen to be from my set, would it? ;)

Ken, I really wanted to meet you at DCon! Oh well, one of these days....
In the latest Star Wars Insider (UK issue anyway) there is a feature on Imperial Officers with pictures of Veers, Needa, Ozzell, Nennox and Piett from ESB.

In four of the five pictures it is clear that the discs in their hats are the 'high-detail' discs with outer groove. In the fifth picture its hard to make out.

Based on this I would say yes to high detail discs on Veers' helmet.

Very interesting.

So it looks like the Veers Helmet might actually have the "high-detail disk with notch" after all, unless that screen cap is playing tricks with my eyes. Or at least a solid disk with a notch. This is hard to figure out as most all the research on these types of helmets shows the disk to be a solid style (no outer grooves) with a larger center hole as well.

And yeah, the disk on the Snow Commander look to be thinner. Your guess on a 2 stepper sounds good to me. Probably the same diameter as the other disk.
In the latest Star Wars Insider (UK issue anyway) there is a feature on Imperial Officers with pictures of Veers, Needa, Ozzell, Nennox and Piett from ESB.

In four of the five pictures it is clear that the discs in their hats are the 'high-detail' discs with outer groove. In the fifth picture its hard to make out.

Based on this I would say yes to high detail discs on Veers' helmet.

Here are the pair of machined Aluminium Greeblies - normal ones from elvistrooper without any notches - that I will be using :


for my Snowtrooper Commander Helmet here :cool :

I finally got all of the parts Together, and Trooped with Dan's armor a few weeks ago in Melbourne, Australian.... A big thanks to you Dan....




Awesome costume! I do think the three stepped discs look too tall though.

Yup, but I dont have the talent to grind them down to two stages :confused (but I beleive that there is someone with that skill that is making them right now.. and its an easy changeover).......
also need to work on the commanders badge, cut it in half and drill a few holes to make it totally accurate...
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