Smallville "Traveler" control sphere - woohoo!


Master Member
I got this in my email a few mins ago.

I have been working on this for a while, but my friend helped me out with the design on it.

It's the "activated" orb from Smallville's season 7 finale, where Lex sticks it on top of the control panel in the fortress to destroy it.

This thing is looking great!


There is pretty much no way for the factory to make the "inactive" version, because of the cut in section that the little medallion sticks into. I opted for the active one because it just looks a lot cooler :D

Screencaps to show off it's awesomeness on the show!


This isn't for a run, this is a personal replica for my own collection. You won't see an interest thread for these.

Now all I have to do is figure out my base idea and see if it will work as well as I hope :lol

Just got in some more pics :)

Another sphere pic (couldn't decide on the size I wanted, so I opted to try 2 diff ones).


Also, my friend requested a big princess cut stone (huge, like 3" across kinda huge) in light blue, and this turned out so well it gives me hope for ANOTHER blue smallville stone that I want to add to my collection ;)



Granted it will be a while before anything else gets made, the fact that the color looks so amazing gives me a lot of hope.

I think I might have to go over the facets on the sphere with a sharpie though, to match the screencap's hard black lines.

So far though, I am loving the pieces. I can't wait to get em in.

Reminds me of that little globe from Lois and Clark that attached to the ship.

So I never watch Smallville - Does Luthor know that Clark is from another planet and that he has Super powers?
That globe is one I want to replicate one day as well :). I liked the whole 3d effect of the continents on Krypton.

Lex now knows about Clark. At the end of season 7, he found that device that was a safeguard against Clark going nuts and trying to rule humanity instead of helping them. He used it to find the fortress, popped it on the console, it zapped Clark and the fortress collapsed.

Season 8 opened with the fortress gone, and no one knows where Lex is. All we have seen of him has been a quick shot of a bald guy hooked up to some life support looking equipment while watching stuff happen on a monitor.
