It is a $2500.00 made by the original Smallville tailor costume. This is probably as close as you can get to screen accurate, similar to how Wested sells Indy stuff.
When its made by the same talented hands as the original that is what I call screen accurate.
Sithcamaro has made some really nice leather items lately, I wonder if he has considered tackling this? I know it's not like the show, but I'd love to have one in black!!
I haven't paid much attention to the costume details this year, hell I thought they used the returns symbol on there. Loving the little shield shaped vent on the back as well :lol
Guess those holes help out with wind resistance
Hell of a jacket man, I know getting ANYTHING from the prop dept (even a phone call) is like pulling teeth, so scoring the jacket from the original makers is a virtual miracle. You are one lucky guy!
Is the jacket weather proof, or just a display on mannequin only?