Sleestack Costume

Quite enjoying the Life Cereal-esque "I'm not gonna try it" sidelining on this one
(myself included, of course). Knowing the RPF, surely someone will take the bait eventually ...
where's Mikey when you need 'em? :cool
Yeah, this would be cool to do...the hard part I think would be, "what was that scaly stuff they used for the body". Did they make that stuff or did it come with the scales on it?
I'm surprised there is not one too. I would be interested, but making one is not my forte.
Yea, I'm gonna be cleaning out my storage room tomorrow and when I find it I'll take a pic. I can't remember who made it, but it is pretty nice. Enick (however it's spelled) was also an option, but I chose the standard Sleestak instead.