Skyrim Daedric Armor Build

i am not saying don't do it, but there is a guy on 405th that has the male and female set already unfolded i am in the process my self of building them did the helm have it resined up and now i just resined the gauntlets. working on the fingers now. i am debating if i am going to use them in the finished product but since i have them cut out already i am going to take it all the way with the rest of the outfit

Skyrim Pepakura Files has some other sweet files he updates this alot. i will have to get some pictures up soon i i have some some small other things for practice this is my first one i am going all out on.
Hello I was wondering if you could send me that pepakura hjelmet desighn via my e-mail ( because my dad blocked and wont let me on it pleas can you do it please!!!! :)
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