Sideshow USCM 12" pre-order's a go

Originally posted by JP05@Feb 6 2006, 08:43 PM
I think they became avail 2 days ago.......well thats when I placed my order :)


I've been checking there over the last few days, and today was the first day I ever saw them. Even doing a specific search for aliens, I couldn't find them. Then today, BAM, right on the front page.

Originally posted by Dean O@Feb 6 2006, 08:27 PM
So is this the same as the Hot Toys version or is it something different?

Indeed they are Dean. They have just been picked up by SST to sell state-side.
They look very nice, but are they actually supposed to look like the characters?

Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) didn't have blue eyes and Apone didn't have a beard for a start.
Originally posted by Blad@Feb 6 2006, 11:38 PM
They look very nice, but are they actually supposed to look like the characters?

Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) didn't have blue eyes and Apone didn't have a beard for a start.

I think HT had a problem attaining the likeness rights for those two, so you end up getting generic black guy and generic puerto rican played by a jewish woman :lol.

Fine by me as I only wanted Hicks anyway.

Hey guys, just got mine from the NA / Canadian distributor, he was literally just unpacking the cases.....

I bumped into Hot toys a few years back & can easily say their SAS & Seal are THE most detailed in my collection, I mean c'mon, 1 has a compass that's liquid filled & works.... the Marmit stuff & the Medicom SW stuff are pretty close but Hot Toys has got to take the cake.

Back to the Aliens figures - overall impression: Awesome. Get over the errs in facial likeness, & IMO these are done RIGHT.

No more customs, wait until u see the painting & drybrushing.

The accessories are incredible - pull-down helmet sight, Hicks' leather "close encounters" shotgun bag, the mounting armature for Vasquez' BFG is spring loaded, lighting system removable from armor etc etc.

IMO these'll be perfect for scaling.

O.k. here's another something - Vasquez' torso is latex / rubber over an armature so u can, ahem, squeeze things.... kinda creepy.... but fun (of course.) :angel

Sorry no pics, but if somebody wants to throw 'em up I've already taken some detailed shots last night - Friday night is "toy room / mancave" night so they'll be put together then - & yes, they come totally unassembled....

Rock 'n roll :thumbsup & stay frosty B)


EDIT - Canadian &/or can't wait? Call Eric & Carmen @ Toys2 in Ontario, Canada - (905)470-0007
These figures totally rock for accurate detail and just plain coolness. However, the likeness on both of them is not at all acurate. This was most certainly a licensing issue.

Fortunately you can always upgrade the heads with some nice after market stuff ;)





I don't offer them painted but they are ready to paint and pop right onto the neck post in the figure.

You can PM me or e-mail if you need one.

That's some damn nice work Lonnie :thumbsup .

Any chance of a Hudson head? I'd pick up a second Hicks and mod the armor for that :D.

I think you nailed Apone.

It still amuses me how mis-match the marines cammo is.
It still amuses me how mis-match the marines cammo is.
Bet you wouldn't say that if Apone was standing next to you..... ;)

The armour and BDU's look good to me - stretched frog & leaf & everything.

It was just the facial un-likeness-ess that bothered me, made me want to nuke the entire set from orbit.