Sideshow R2&3PO - custom display base


Sr Member
Hey gang,

A client of ours had the Sideshow droids and wanted a custom base built so he could display both of them together in his home theater. He and I tossed around a few themes and settled on Tatooine... I made a few quick sketches and from those, Rich Riley created the foam sculpture you see below. To finish it all off, we intentionally chose a somewhat bold color palette for the rocks to make the display really pop!

Rich's work on this one is really exceptional and he took the basic idea and ran with it, making it into something special. We've worked on quite a few projects over the years and he always seems to be able to do that! :)

The client was thrilled and here's hoping folks here enjoy the pics as well.

As always, feel free to check out the site for other projects like this (this one is on our Movie Prop Displays page.) and remember, you can now follow us on twitter if you'd like to be kept informed about site updates and get sneak peeks at upcoming projects.

Thanks for looking!
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Fraken sweet! It's people like you making it hard you know.. Saw your Boba Fett / Chewie display and thought, I need to get a Boba Fett going so I can get a display, now you go and do this, and now need to get a C3-PO and R2-D2.. :unsure
That's very very nice! I have the Sideshow R2, but didn't also get C3PO because there was no way to stand them right next to each other. Don't know why Sideshow didn't create an optional stand to display them together, seems like that was what everyone wanted, and even better if we could have had 3PO resting his hand on R2's dome.
Is it two pieces? Would be cool to be able to make it a corner display ( L shape ) and like rkpetersen said be able to put C3-Po's hand on top of R2..
Very nice as usual, fellas. :thumbsup One idea I had for an Indy display base that would work here is to spread glue on just the base/floor section and pour sand on it to create a true desert environment. You can also carefully pick spots in the cracks and crevices to put some as well. Naturally, the sand gets into everything. Perhaps some smaller sized rocks to put around the base as well for added realism.

Not knocking it at all as it looks fantastic but was an idea I had for some time now and I thought it would kick it up just a notch. Maybe something to think about for future projects.
Thanks guys! Rich deserves most of the credit on this much of the actual design came in the carving process.

We've done the glue/sand trick on other projects (and that does work pretty well), but here we went for more of a "rocky plateau" look than "sandy" look... sorta like the sunset scene (well, sunset in the SE!) where R2 gets zapped or the rocks near the Tusken attack. Just an aesthetic choice in this case :)

Oh and speaking of aesthetic choices, we did consider doing them closer in the corner (with the classic 3P0's hand on R2's head look), but just to the left of threepio in the pic is a doorway which we didn't want to crowd. Based on the client's room and the space alloted, this layout worked out best and made for the most impact.

Again, appreciate all the kind words (and even the suggestions, which I'll keep in mind for future projects).

Love the display! R2 not so much...yeah I had to say it :lol

Actually...looking at it again...the display makes it look 1000 times better!