Show us your rpfs (replica prop firearms)!

Do you still need help with the sterling?

Well, I went and rearranged my gun wall.

Peter Weller "Robocop" lifecast watching over things...

One of these days I'll have a "real" pulse rifle up here...

You older guys might remember my scratchbuilt E11 from 2007; she's in dire need of repair...

The mag well fell off, and I had given my cylinders to Saberfreak for his build...

The Hengstler counter is missing a plastic strip, and I used the M19 scope on my Luke ESB blaster...

Once I add new cylinders, glue the mag well back on, and obtain a second M19 scope so I can mount the Hengstler again I'm going to repaint it with a more "pebble finish" black as found on the real Sterlings. Then all I have to do is figure out where the heck to hang it...

I need a bigger wall :lol
I'd completely forgotten that it wasn't the same snub-nosed pistol as was used in the rest of the series. I have one of them. I will have to rewatch the pilot.
Darkside, thanks, I've got everything to get her back in shape except having to remake the cylinders. I just have to get off my dead butt and actually do it... :lol
I'd completely forgotten that it wasn't the same snub-nosed pistol as was used in the rest of the series. I have one of them. I will have to rewatch the pilot.

The pistol gets used only in one scene early on where Sinclair and the security team confront a drug smuggler at the Customs checkpoint.

The big "tongue depressor" rifle of course is pretty prominent in the last 10 minutes of the film during the search for the assassin.
Has anyone made or does have any decent images of the "tongue depressor" PPG rifle and "cobra head" PPG pistol from the PILOT version of Babylon 5?
No, they aren't. That's the only one I've ever seen of the rifle, and your one of the pistol is the only good one (I've seen a few low-quality screencaps, but that's all). I like both of them as designs, but they seemed a little out of place in among the rest of the EA tech (too "Trek"). The PPGs they used when they went to series fit in better.
Two steampunk pistols I built. Both are full wood/steel/brass/etc. Not painted plastic.

The first is a steampunk version of the Tesla pistol from Warehouse 13. This was part of my Warehouse 12 costume for Denver Comic Con earlier this year.



This is an original steampunk raygun I built a few years ago for Anomalycon; the Denver area steampunk con.


Really nice pistols Robinhood jw. Where did you get the large translucent capsule parts? I'm building a Pomson 6000 variant and I could use similar ones.
Two steampunk pistols I built. Both are full wood/steel/brass/etc. Not painted plastic.

The first is a steampunk version of the Tesla pistol from Warehouse 13. This was part of my Warehouse 12 costume for Denver Comic Con earlier this year. Tesla pistol/10teslafinalleft.jpg Tesla pistol/11teslafinalright.jpg

This is an original steampunk raygun I built a few years ago for Anomalycon; the Denver area steampunk con.

Nice job on both :)
Two Denix Replicas I converted to a DL-44 and a pistol from the Firefly Verse

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Blaster display - top shelf MR E-11, middle Sterling E-11, lower shelf Merr-Sonn Power 5:


The RS Prop Masters "Pugman" ESB E-11 is missing from this shot being displayed elsewhere

Merr Sonn Power 5 Heavy Imperial blaster:





The pistol gets used only in one scene early on where Sinclair and the security team confront a drug smuggler at the Customs checkpoint.

The big "tongue depressor" rifle of course is pretty prominent in the last 10 minutes of the film during the search for the assassin.

In the original showing of the pilot, that scene was edited out. It was put back in when they rebroadcast it. A a convention, I mentioned to a person working on the show that it was nice to see a laser sit on a raygun. He said that the laser site was added to the rifle because it was a static prop. It had no lights, or moving parts, and the laser site gave it something visual.

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