Show Off Thread: Lifesized CAD BANE bust


Sr Member
In working with the same talented artist who I commissioned to make lifesized Admiral Ackbar, Hammerhead, 4LOM, Ree Yees, and the Gamorrean Guard busts, now we have the CAD BANE the Bounty Hunter from the animated clone wars series...will be made in latex, foam filled or not filled to be used as masks...I have another lady who's making the hat too, will be a nice display, blue with red eyes, and snarling...

heres pics of the clay master, made by Dan Grumeretz - - and molded by Moldy Productions - Johnny Sawyer -





I think u got the color wrong
LOL joking
That rocks!!!!!! very cool !!!!! luv the mouth/teeth!!!!
yes, were going to tint the latex to the proper blue, so little prep work will be needed.

more pics of it in the mold.


I was wondering when someone would try this, and I love it! Cad is definitely the coolest new character they've introduced to the series. :cool
Johnny is one of my best freinds and does great work. He has been doing this for years and is only getting better and better.
anyone know if there is a store bought similiar HAT for this guy? or would it have to be custom SEWN?

Also, tinting the latex in the proper color BLUE. then painting the eyes, and teeth...and putting hoses around the sides to a cannister....making foam filled latex displays and foam masks for wearing...
and yes, Johnny is a great guy, he has the coolest Delorean in his garage that if only he'd convert to a time machine, that'd be sooooo cool...but he wont.
Haha, no, he won't. He once was going to make a removable kit to put on it but realized it wasn't practical but he was doing great with the idea. He has an awesome stock automatic and thats the way it's stayin.
got the first pull of Cad Bane latex foam filled head and it came out just need a hat for it...and even some of the latex wearable masks can out pretty perfect too....
Looks great! If you decide to do a run of these please put me down. My son loves this character.
they are coming out nicely...with the latex tinted blue, will then cut off the foam, add the hoses, paint the black head cover, red eyes, teeth, some airbrushing to show off hight lights and of course a custom made hat all on a nice stand...what a lifesized display, these will make...


Ok, just need the hat and hoses, and head on a stick, and we have a nice lifesized bust for displaying...this is a foam filled latex head...I also have some wearable masks made that look just like too...I think costumers and displayers alike will like CAD BANE the clone wars bounty Hunter




