Shaun of the Dead - Cricket Bat and Badge


Well-Known Member
For ComicCon this year, I decided to do a Shaun of the Dead costume. It's not that complex an outfit, but I thought the name badge and cricket bat would be fun.

To start, I bought a regular $50 willow cricket bat from the Sports Authority website. It came covered in stickers and was a natural willow color.


I removed the stickers with goof off then sanded the whole thing down to remove any polyurathane coating. I also cut off the rubber tip guard and handle cover.

From there I stained it with a sedona red to give it a more antique look. I also re-wrapped the handle with some thin nylon cord.

I then added a liberal amount of gel-blood to it, and voila...

For the name badge I looked at some fonts and went with "Avenir Next Condensed Bold". I compressed the font a bit in photoshop and toyed with the ends of the S's and C's to get the angles approximate.

I glued the Foree Electronic portion to a CD case and cut out the window. I glued the Sales Associate print out and glued that to a CD case then sandwiched the two together to get the slight difference in depth. This gives it a rigid look and feel

I'm pretty happy with it even though I can still see plenty of flaws since I did it all fairly quickly. It will be more than good enough for my costume. I have two friends playing zombies on Thursday, so I'm expecting a lot of fun to be had.