Shards of Narsil


Master Member
"It's still sharp...!"

I made this yesterday, cut from an Anduril generic. Getting the line of the break was difficult, and I didn't quite nail it. Those who know this prop well will spot the inaccuracy. but the source swoard was a pretty high quaity,a nd the end result is quite satisfying. I like it, and it's lethal!






Looks good! Hehe I pull my Narsil pommel off of the plaque all of the time... even though it's just the shattered hilt it still feels nice in-hand.
Cut lines look pretty good. :thumbsup
On the Dremel lines I would use some high grit sandpaper and polish it up with Neverdull. It is a polishing substance like cotton but it will buff out to a high shine. I use it to polish all of my aluminum hardware sabers!
Give it a try. You should be able to get Neverdull at Walmart in the automotive section!!:)
Where's the rest of the broken sword blade? Are those coming later for a complete display like in the House of Elrond?
has any one else done a cutting template yet? I just won my sword on EBay.

I seem to remember some great screenshots of a top down at one here somewhere. If any one has them please post em. I'll work out a template somehow and post it for us all to use.

PH...I love what you did. We are all perfectionists with our own work but I'd be proud to hang it LOL I thought I would cover a long bit of MDF in the same sort of bluey material on the statue stand in the movie, frame it with beading and affix all the shards to it bar the grip. I'll use hooks there for playing with it. Get a lasercut label then Bob's your uncle. Any display ideas guys?

Where's the rest of the broken sword blade? Are those coming later for a complete display like in the House of Elrond?

Laying on the floor of my shop! :lol After the hard work and health hazard of cutting the hilt, I lost my motivation to do the rest... Some day perhaps!

Taz, I just printed off a pic of one of the licensed versions and went from there. I tried to get the measurements correct. But template or not, the biggest challenge was acheiving precision custs with the Dremel cutting wheels. Not easy, and I did not suceed perfectly.
Good job, Rob :thumbsup. How many cut-off wheels did that take? Did you use the reinforced or regualr?

Yes indeed! Thanks fo rthe tip on what to print mate:)

I think I might scribe the correct line in to a couple of mill by hand so I get a straight cutting guide for the dremel:)
