Shadow Huntress Build

Shadow huntress

New Member
Hi there!
Inspired by a friend of mine I decided to make a Machiko / human huntress inspired costume.
I'm not really into showing of more skin than necessary, so I am making an undersuit/catsuit as well. Fortunately, my friend gave me a lot of his spare costume parts, so the amount of money I have to invest will be limited (I hope).
I got an airsoft mask on which I want to attach dreadlocks (synthetic, like "real" hair, so it will cover the patch on the back. Also I cut out two a bit wider blades to go into the gauntlets. These will be easier to sand and make them less sharp. Also I hope they will retain their shape better than the original ones.

I'm planning on having my costume presentable at the London Film and Comic Com, Winter edition, first Weekend of October.
I will post pictures of the other parts of the costume soon.

foto 1a.JPG

foto 1b.JPG

foto 2.JPG
Indeed, the armor looks good.  Do you plan on using it all?  Most of the Machiko's I've seen have very little true pred armor, and more "custom, made to fit" armor created from pred armor and alien bits scavenged here and there.  It might be cool to use it all if you can work it all in.  Looking forward to seeing progress on this.

Thanks! I am planning on using it all. Two parts I added seams to so I can use them for chest armor. I will attach them to a top to which I can fix the backpart. Then I need some leather to cover my lower back :)

Does anyone have any tips on how to attach the dreadlocks to the bio? They are thin braids, like hair.
Last weekend at The Elf Fantasy Fair in Arcen, the Netherlands, I had my chance of testing out my costume. It was awesome!
I even got a chance to troop with the Predator Clan Germany.
The other Pred is the German friend who got me into this hobby. :D

Schermafbeelding 2013-09-17 om 18.03.59.png




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