sewing patterns for han esb shirt?


Sr Member
im trying to find a sewing pattern for han solo's shirt in esb. i see alot of people mention dawn anderson, but i only see she has the jacket pattern(which i dont need). i was wondering if there was a site you all visit, or have a place one could go to get the sewing pattern for this shirt. i would like to make my own, or find one relatively cheap.

i dont want to just purchase a white shirt and cut off a collar, id like the shirt to look as close to this as possible. granted, im not doing a han solo costume, but im making one relatively close to it for a completely different project. im aiming to make maybe 2 shirts from it.

this is the white shirt im talking about.

im just interested in the shirt sewing pattern or a shirt. any help or direction would be appreciated.
I've been wondering that as well. I think my Dragon Con Costume for this year will be Solo. I'm still not sure which version but I figured I'd start with the boots and gun belt first. Once I decide which version then I'll probably get the pants from Indy Magnoli since they are really nice with embroidered blood stripes.
sorry, I can't help you with the other movie shirts as I personally haven't tried yet, I have no pointers. I'm actually going to have a friend over this weekend that is studying costumes. I'm going to see if she can figure out where I went wrong with my pattern and see if I can fix it.
But I would still suggest looking into getting one of the patterns above. Joanne's typically has patterns on sale over the weekends, just keep an eye out for them and then pick it up then.
im going to check into that, would it be easier to modify an already made chef tunic/shirt? i havent had a moment to myself to do any running around to check out uniform stores for one.
ah, i think i might want to change the idea i was originally looking for the han shirt for...

to a star trek yellow tunic. im totally unaware of a fairly inexpensive tunic that does not have any of the gold rings on the sleeves and insignia. is there a way someone can get one? or a pattern to make one on the cheap? or is there a tunic out there someone can get to take the stuff off?

i just need a solid yellow one, not even that pea yellow that kirk sometimes wears, the more mustard yellow the better.
I hate to necromance a thread that's more than a year old, but I was hoping to find this pattern as well. I used the search feature and found this thread and was hoping that some more information has come to light, or that there might actually be a real pattern out there that is available. Any help? Thank you!
Interesting. This shirt looks like a double-breasted pattern, similar to a Howie labcoat cut in the front but using wide jacket collar instead.

As a seamstress, the pieces seem pretty easy to parse out.

Here's a link that may be helpful on your search if you are looking for similar shirts:
"Aviator" shirts - Page 2

If you're not adverse to trying to piece this together yourself, you should check this website out for a good starting point about drafting shirt blocks:

Pattern Drafting 101 – The Men’s Shirt Block « Open Source Stitches

The book I recommend if you're serious about learning to begin to draft patterns is this one:

BARNES & NOBLE | How to Use, Adapt, and Design Sewing Patterns by Lee Hollahan | Paperback