seaQuest VPAL Finished Up

SG Merc

Well-Known Member
Just finished up one of Mark Bradley's suburb seaQuest DSV VPAL kits over Christmas. I didn't have time to install electronics, nor did I put any numbers on the key pad, but I like how it turned out for the most part.

Once again though Mark already did the hard work! I just put it together and painted it up.

Here's the kit after I performed the very minor cleanup, and gave it a coat of primer.

And here we go all finished up. Painting is a mix of rattle can, airbrush, and hand brushing.
Thanks! It was a fun project. I really enjoy the design of the first season props more than the later seasons for their uniqueness and toy like qualities. The later stuff was cool, but the S1 stuff was much more fun and bolder.

I just bought the kit a couple of weeks before Christmas, so Mark might still have some :thumbsup
Looks cool... I,m talking with mark now.. He makes the Season 2/3 V-Pal too..

He's checking his molds for me.. I can't wait
I know this thread is old but can you still make molds of the vpal? Definitely interested!
I know this thread is old but can you still make molds of the vpal? Definitely interested!

Mark was offering these kits again about 4 months ago here. If he still has them then I HIGHLY recommend it. To say that his kits are beautiful would be an understatement.