I've been noticing my SDS Stunt helmet is slowly turning yellow. Around the ears and mouth mostly. I do not have it in direct sunlight so I know it is not a result of exposure. Anyone else experiencing problem? Is there anything we can do?
Originally posted by Jediwannabe@Dec 29 2005, 02:18 PM
Is there anything we can do?
Originally posted by Kerr Avon@Dec 29 2005, 12:26 PM
Is it in any kind of light source with a lot of UV? Or just incandescent bulbs?
Originally posted by Jediwannabe@Dec 29 2005, 03:42 PM
My room has standard lightbulbs in the ceiling and I keep the blinds partially closed at all times. There is no hard light and not much artificial. Not is it in direct line of my heating and a/c system. It just seems to be yellowing on its own.
Originally posted by clutch@Dec 29 2005, 02:38 PM
That does not sound good. Especially if the whole suit is inclined to do that.
Originally posted by clutch@Dec 29 2005, 07:16 PM
Aren't we talking about the fairly expensive helmet that we wouldn't dare repaint?
Originally posted by FON@Dec 29 2005, 08:19 PM
Thats shocking its started yellowing already. I have mine sitting on one of my speakers, and it gets hit by the morning sunlight for a good 4 hrs every day... no yellowing so far