SDS Stunt Helmet yellowing & cracking


Sr Member
I've been noticing my SDS Stunt helmet is slowly turning yellow. Around the ears and mouth mostly. I do not have it in direct sunlight so I know it is not a result of exposure. Anyone else experiencing problem? Is there anything we can do?
Originally posted by Jediwannabe@Dec 29 2005, 02:18 PM
Is there anything we can do?

Wash it, sand it, prime it and paint it. I'm afraid that's only resolution I've ever found to yellowing plastic.
That does not sound good. Especially if the whole suit is inclined to do that.
My room has standard lightbulbs in the ceiling and I keep the blinds partially closed at all times. There is no hard light and not much artificial. Not is it in direct line of my heating and a/c system. It just seems to be yellowing on its own.

Originally posted by Kerr Avon@Dec 29 2005, 12:26 PM
Is it in any kind of light source with a lot of UV?  Or just incandescent bulbs?
:eek Wow.. :eek

Sorry to hear that. I would ask Andrew about it Pronto.

Mine is still like the day it was shipped but I have it in a display case and I have a black cloth over it.

I don't even let indoor light hit it. :lol

What number is yours by the by?
Originally posted by Jediwannabe@Dec 29 2005, 03:42 PM
My room has standard lightbulbs in the ceiling and I keep the blinds partially closed at all times.  There is no hard light and not much artificial.  Not is it in direct line of my heating and a/c system.  It just seems to be yellowing on its own.

Ewww. Got pics?
Originally posted by clutch@Dec 29 2005, 02:38 PM
That does not sound good.  Especially if the whole suit is inclined to do that.

It's not good and the whole suit will....yellow that is. As mentioned the only remedy is sand & paint. ABS tends to yellow also,but not as easily from my experience nor as badly.


EDIT: This is the exact reason I think AA himself should be the one painting them...SDS Studios that is. For 800friggin' dollars this shouldn't be happening already :eek: It's pathetic and personally IF I owned one I'd be on the phone or emailing AA to see what he intends to do about it.....
ive heard of the screen used doing that......that is ...over a course of 2 decades..

But the best thing to do would just to sand it and repaint......who knows it might get an even more screen used look to it

good luck though
How long you had the helmet? Any warranty? Think SDS might replace it?

IIRC the stunts are styrene plastic while hero is ABS? if so, be cautious about using products for exclusively ABS on styrene.

Styrene certainly does not have the UV resistance of ABS. Heat generated from Vac forming probably does nothing to help and could be a reason for variation in yellowing from one stunt to another. I've had some sheet styrenne yellow over a couple weeks while sitting on a work bench while other pieces in the pile have be unaffected.

Painting probably is your best bet. Might want to investigate that new Krylon spray primer for plastic. I've used it on outdoor furnture and PVC stuff with pleasing results.
Good luck.
Aren't we talking about the fairly expensive helmet that we wouldn't dare repaint? And to yellow in such a short amount of time sounds terrible.
Originally posted by clutch@Dec 29 2005, 07:16 PM
Aren't we talking about the fairly expensive helmet that we wouldn't dare repaint?

The helmet is yellowing regardless of the purchase price. There's nothing to do for it unless some kind of warranty allows a replacement/refund. He either lives with the expensive, yellow helmet, or he paints it.

If this is a helmet to display and have look good I think the answer is easy: The value of the helmet is in it's appearance which is compromised. Paint it and have it looking good again.

If the helmet was bought for collection value it's a trickier call. What hurts the value more: Yellowing or paint. In this case I'm inclined to say that altering the helmet is more damaging to the monetary value and you just live with the yellowing. Whatever it looks like, it's in it's "natural" conditon from a collectors point of view.

Me, I don't "invest" in props. Props are for fun and "Wow. factor" and yellow plastic takes away from both. I say paint it.
The SDS is supposedly a replica of what AA made for ANH. Those helmets were originally painted. I say if it's the plastic itself that's yellowed and not something that has adhered to the surface of the plastic then PAINT AWAY.

Now, could it be something building up on the helmet. I've got a oven vent in my kitchen that barely works. I find that from time to time a slight grease film will build up on some of the cabinets and it's yellow in color. So, a couple of times a year the kitchen get's scrubbed with a grease cutting cleaner.

Could something like this be building up on your helmet? Test a small area with cleaner and see. Of course don't use anything abrasive to start with.

If nothing a brush and slap on some paint. :D
Thats shocking its started yellowing already. I have mine sitting on one of my speakers, and it gets hit by the morning sunlight for a good 4 hrs every day... no yellowing so far
Originally posted by FON@Dec 29 2005, 08:19 PM
Thats shocking its started yellowing already. I have mine sitting on one of my speakers, and it gets hit by the morning sunlight for a good 4 hrs every day... no yellowing so far

Your only asking for trouble, it is just a matter of time.

You have that helmet in those conditions for much longer,say a year or so, and I bet you take another helmet, place it side by side, and you may be suprised on how much a color difference there will be.

Sorry I have zero Photoshop skills and the light in my kitchen was as close to white as I could find tonight so it is a little hard to see. I've been denying the yellowing to myself for some time but it is happening.

First look to 7 O'clock from the screw holding the earpiece in. The yellow is where the earpiece attaches to the mask.

Next you can see at the tip of the frown and then again as the line travels away from the mouth there are spots of yellow.

I might have to take pictures again tomorrow with natural light so you can see it better.