SD Studios TOS Med Kit..need pics

The Dude

Sr Member
Can someone please post pics of the latest run from SD Studios with regard to the TOS Med pouch? I know a few purchased it.

There was a JY thread that had pics but I can't find it and I saw the thread earlier today at work but the pics did not show up because my work blocked them. (This happens on occasion.)

So I get home...I can't find the JY thread! (SD may have requested it be removed since the run was done.)

Phase Pistol....I believe you had some comparison pics? Can you post them here?

Or if anyone can post the link to the JY thread if I was just blind.

I have always wanted this trifold version of the TOS Med Kit but did not get to jump in on the run at the time SD offered them. I really want to see how they came out.